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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Americans Spent Highest Percentage Of Income In 30 Years On Fuel In 2012

Even though Americans are cutting down on how often they hit up the gas pump, as a country we’re paying a higher percentage of our incomes on gasoline than we have in the last 30 years. The Energy Department said in a new report that U.S. households shelled out an average of $2,912 last year for gas, or about 4% of their pretax income.

It’s kind of a bummer to hear such figures, especially with the increasing popularity of fuel-efficient vehicles and opting to say, walk or ride a bike instead of driving somewhere nearby, notes the Los Angeles Times.

“The effect of the higher prices in 2011 and 2012 outweighed the effect of reduced consumption,” the Energy Department said.


  1. And more taxes are coming.

  2. Need to stop driving all these big gas hogs that everyone here seems to love.

  3. WILL these idiot politicians ever learn LOWER the gas prices and the economy will come back???????????

  4. Obama is picking a fight with usFebruary 6, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    OBAMA IS NOT FINISHED WITH US YET...he plans on starving us into submission and has already interrupted the ability for legal persons to buy ammo like KING GEORGE the 3rd did before the revolution took place.

  5. I wish that is all I spent.Grand total of $12,000 last year in my work truck and boat.

  6. obama is doing such a great job. Fuel prices. Grocery prices. Energy prices. Jobs. You name it. The man can do no wrong. Wow! Was that a drone that just flew over your house??!

  7. Not me, I gotta bike and a lot of coats. Sure it's cold out but I'm in the best shape of my life.


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