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Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Message To Obama, Served Cold

Born in crushing poverty to an illiterate single mother dedicated to seeing her children succeed, Carson became the head of the department of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins medical institutions when he was 33. He’s been a black celebrity role model ever since.

Even if you didn’t like the substance of what Carson had to say at the breakfast, his speech made for great political theater. President Obama was seated on the stage, just a few feet away, and he didn’t look like he was having a good time.

Intellectual historians of black America might make a great deal out of the image of a frowning Obama listening as Carson inveighed against a culture of victimology and dependency. It’s too trite to say that the president is the incarnation of W.E.B. DuBois and Carson of Booker T. Washington. After all, DuBois renounced his American citizenship, became a communist and moved to Ghana at the end of his life. Obama, the son of a leftist (if not an actual communist) from Africa, went on to become the president of the United States — a significantly different story, to put it mildly.

But as Mark Twain allegedly said, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. The great argument between DuBois and Washington is often boiled down to integration versus self-help. Washington believed that blacks should emphasize education and self-advancement first and worry about integration later. DuBois favored a civil-rights-first strategy combined with reliance on the leadership of technocrats, including what he called the “talented tenth,” or the best African-Americans.



  1. Dr Carson has more class in his little finger than Obama has in his whole body!

  2. Dr Carson is a disrespectful tool.

  3. There is absolutely no celebrity, politican or world leader that I have any desire to ever meet but I would really like to meet Dr Carson and if his mother is still living I would LOVE to meet her. This lady through her perseverance and dedication to her children gave the world a gift in the form of Dr Carson.
    They are first class people.

  4. 5:19 pm very well stated. Dr. Carson certainly had well thought out plans whereas the president showed nothing but disgust and an unwillingness to process what the doctor had to say.

  5. I hope more folks listen to men like him. Michael Steele had the same experience and was treated horribly as well.

  6. Dr. Carson used his first amendment right to say what he felt. He is an educated man that has saved many lives through his love and devotion to medicine.
    Obama has not saved any lives, not does he have the love or devotion for the United States of America to be in the position he is currently in. Kenya is waiting for his return.

  7. 5:35 Obama has more disrespect in his little finger than anyone I know, let alone the honorable, benevolent, charitable and brilliant Dr. Carson.

  8. "Anonymous said...
    Dr Carson is a disrespectful tool.

    February 14, 2013 at 5:35 PM"

    In no way shape or form was Dr Carson "disrepectful." As far as being a "tool?" No way and that's what's burning the liberals up. He refuses to be a tool and speaks his mind on policies that have been and will be failures. The "tools" are the apologists and excuse makers for all these failed policies we have seen recently.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    Dr Carson is a disrespectful tool.

    February 14, 2013 at 5:35 PM"

    A tool? Why? All he did was speak out against failed policy which just so happen to be of the Democratic persuasion.
    Look in the mirror, 5:35. You will see a true tool.

  10. Do people really still use the word "tool" today. I thought that was a word used by kids in highschool about 10 years ago. Dr. Carson is a self made man. That says a lot. (Notice a lot is 2 words people).

  11. Thanks for the lesson/reminder on "a lot" 4:47. A grammer lessons never hurts.


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