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Thursday, February 07, 2013

52% of Likely Voters Want Illegal Aliens to Go Home, Only 33% Support Amnesty

As the debate over the Obama/Gang of 8 Amnesty plan continues to swirl, a variety of polls are being put out there. The Center for Immigration Studies has its own poll out which suggests that not only do the majority of voters not support amnesty, but the passion is stronger on the anti-amnesty side than on the pro-amnesty side.

Now this is important because after an extended media barrage, the center can shift left on a topic, whether it’s gay marriage, abortion or illegal immigration, but what matters is not that X amount of voters now say that gay illegal aliens should be able to marry their abortions, but how much they care about it.

The media, including sections of the conservative media, has barraged the American public with positive coverage of amnesty. That tends to lead the weak-minded to shift toward amnesty. But the question is how committed are they to it. That questions matters because the weak-minded can be shifted in the other direction once the counter-argument begins.


  1. Well if the majority of voters want the illegal aliens to go home then why aren't the lawmakers listening?

    I know, the majority of them are Democrats.

    Vote Republican!

  2. The illegal immigrants should be sent home. Unfortunately, none of the politicians are listening, why, because they are ALL corrupt to some point. Congress was never intended to be a life time career. The members of Congress have found a cushy job and do nothing for their pay or we would have had balanced budgets for the past four years; and that's just one of their latest lazy non-moves. Saying all that to say this, send the illegal immigrants home and put members of Congress out with them. We, the American people need to clean house and make sure our elected officials know what is expected of them.

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