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Sunday, February 17, 2013


Economic growth is in the negative, unemployment is on the rise, Walmart's forecasting a disastrous February for retail sales, poverty's up, gas prices are up, the cost of health care premiums are up, middle class incomes are falling, consumer confidence is at a two year low, our deficit is unsustainable, and Barack Obama has just signed up for private golf lessons with two of the top teachers in the country.

You might want to go back and read that last part again.

Safely re-elected and with no concerns whatsoever that the media will take issue with his elitist behavior (hell, the media won't even make an issue of the economy), what would certainly be the kind of optics the media would bludgeon a Republican with will likely go unnoticed, because the narrative's been set that Obama can do no wrong.



  1. I believe I have to stop visiting this blog. I get so infuriated by reading this. I'd love to have a vacation, on top of that I'd love to be able to afford a vacation, especially to florida on the tax payers dime; to take golf lessons from the best at $1,000 an hour. What an out of touch insensitive prick this guy is to the country he represents.

  2. At least he's not going to jail like nearly every political figure out of Chicago has. That in itself is a pretty big accomplishment.

  3. Who cares if he's paying for it!

  4. 9:40 Excuse me but our Country is paying for it. There is work to be done in Washington on our economy and national debt, and this jerk is playing golf.

  5. He should be in jail but only a revolution can overthrow a dictator.

  6. 9:40 who do you think pays for the security detail, travel expenses, lodging? The local security around the golf courses? All the nickel and dimeing that adds up to thousands which come from a President being mobile? Obama? At a time when the nation is at a low point this guy flies off to FL for private golf lessons!?! It is distasteful and disrespectful at best. I'm convinced he just wants to watch the nation burn.

  7. I would approve $1000 hr. if it were a business pro teaching him how to run a goverment.

  8. He is accomplishing his goals and transfering our assets into the hands of the "less fortunate". Liberals love this stuff.

  9. 2-18-13
    Thank you 1:48. 9:40 P.M. is one of his diciples. The condition and plight of this Country is not even SECONDARY to OWEbama. Him and his flunkies are having one hell of a party and you and I are paying for it.
    The other thing is a behind the scenes movement to repeal term limits on the PRESIDENCY is underway so it PROBABLY WON'T END anytime SOON.

  10. 8:29:
    Yes, but he should.

  11. If he will lie on his back,maybe Tiger can swat the fly off of his forehead with a 9 iron.


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