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Monday, January 21, 2013

Zia's Closed?

"Not sure of all the details but Zia's closed their doors for good tonight at 7 pm...they will be missed in the Salisbury community!"

Publisher's Notes: I did hear over the weekend their plans were to close the doors for good on the 30th of this month. However, it is quite possible they chose to close sooner.

MANY of the local restaurants are struggling with exception of the chain restaurants who have a national advertising budget. 


  1. Thanks to Obama, it will only get worse!

  2. Joe, they won't be missed. Their food was good, but I quit going along time ago because the owners were jerks and a lot of your readers will agree.

  3. That was one of my favorite places to eat! I don't like Italian food too much but everything else they had was absoslutely delicious!!! Will miss that place. We went there every week.

  4. Shame, good food and local restaurant. They lost to the reheat microwave chains. I will miss their house salad dressing.

  5. I think their lease was expiring and they could not renew on affordable terms

  6. The owners were brothers and one of them (the short one) wasn't there any longer. The taller one was there running it recently. I never thought the tall one was very friendly but never saw them act like jerks

  7. I loved their salad and bread sticks. I will miss it.

  8. I quit going several years ago. The food was nasty and the owners were jerks.

  9. shows you how little best of in the Metropolitan matters. local restaurants in the same niche as national chains are getting crushed by massive tv marketing and superior buying power it's a real Shame

  10. 8:10am That pretty well nails it.

  11. Go to Fratelli's. The food is delicious and the people are great.

    1. Wrong....that place has gone downhill since it moved from across the street. Their food is average at best and the service has sucked on several occasions. They dropped out of LORA and wouldn't honor the coupons that I bought with their name on it.

  12. We always enjoyed eating there - love the salad and bread sticks!

  13. I highly recommend Fratelli's also. Their crab cakes and pasta are wonderful.

  14. Go to LaRoma if you want authentic Italian food. Vinny treats everyone like they are his neighbor.

  15. 1, they were expensive. 2, crappy service. VERY rude! 3, crappy food. 4, Obamacare. They most likely had it planned to close early but wasn't human enough to tell the employees. Gave them a false sense of hope to get 1 more pay check! Dirty tactics and most of all dirty food! I don't see Olive Garden staying open more than 5 years.

  16. They were crooks anyway. One had a gambling problem and the other a problem with hookers. Not nice people at all. They did not even have the guts to tell their landlord they were closing. Those brothers are lacking some serious character.

  17. Fratelli's and Vinny's both offer real Italian food (sorry 8:01, not your fare), good service, and service oriented owners. They don't load you up on bread sticks and salads then when they serve the excuse of food, tell you that if it's not warm enough they'll stick it back in the microwave.

    One trip only. Won't miss them.

  18. They always had a crowd.Maybe the owners we're old and retired.

  19. The Boobus brothers were jerks and drove their customers away with their losey service and atitude.

  20. Well the rumor mongers are out in full force with their "I heards".
    Perhaps the owners "Letter to the Editor" in the Daily Times will enlighten a few. Anyway it no longer matters that the food was crappy, or not; that the service was poor, or not; that the owners were jerks, or not, that the food was expensive, or not; that the owners were crooks, or not; that their bread sticks, house dressing and salads were Salisbury's finest, or not; that they were unable to reach a lease agreement, or not.

    Zia's is closed, period. That means the people who enjoyed Zia's can no longer look forward to having another meal there. The ones who thought the food to be nasty, the owners jerks and the service poor will not be able to go there again to remind the rest of us how terrible Zia's was.

    The rumor mongers can now get on to another business or person to trash 'cause Zia's ain't around anymore and I for one am sorry.

    1. Zias will simply be remembered as a lousy service and food joint owned by a bunch of jerks.

  21. January 21, 2013 at 9:12 AM

    I am not a rumor monger. My bad experience came from the owners and I quit going years ago. I can still remember the waitress following us out the door and apologizing for her bosses bad attitude. This story was conveyed over and over again through friends.

    You must be a friend, relative or even one of the brothers. Good Riddance!

  22. I haven't been there in 20 years, their food came from Sysco cans. Zia's food could not compare to Vinny's LaRoma and Fratelli's -both authentic,fresh ingredients, from scratch, menus. I recommend those that miss Zia's to try either of those restaurants, you'll be completely satisfied.

  23. I worked my way through college and beyond at Zia's. Say what you want about the food, owners, and so on, but it was a family. Let's have a little sympathy for all the people that have lost their job and their "family." It was a sad night last night for past & present employees. I made strong friendships at Zia's that continue to this day. My time spent there taught me a lot and I will never forget the 7 years I spent with my Zia's family.

  24. I had no idea that this business what about to close. I just bought $35 in gift cards for my parents. I saved all year to afford that for them so they could go out to eat 1 day a year. I feel like Zias STOLE from me! How can you sell gift cards till the day you close knowing that you are going out of business????? THEFT!!!

    1. Same thing happened to me with the Escape restaurant on the plaza. Thieves.

  25. An example of aged owners who likely needed to renew a lease agreement and having to compete with all the "chain" restaurants who benefits from all the national advertising. It is tough out here these days.

    1. Yeah...real tough. They certainly don't live like it is tough.

  26. 9:59 delmarvanow has information as to how you can get your money back. Check it out or maybe Joe will post it also.

  27. I've lived in Salisbury for 43 year, not once did I eat at Zia's. I just don't go out to eat much.

    I think the older crowd like them because the prices were cheap, but you get what you pay for in any business, they are in business to make a profit.

    I feel really bad for their employees that are entering a job market in an economy that hasn't been this bad in decades.

    For get about the owners, the food, and think of those that are entering hard times ahead. Making car payents, rent or house payments.

    God Bless you all.

  28. I am sure that there are others that will close in the near term as they simply cannot compete with the buying power of the National Chains along with the poor economy. There are a few who have found a niche that will either serve them well or just have them hanging on. Chef Fred's was a prime example as the facility is now known as Mr. Paul's Legacy. I understand the former owners were let go due to cost cutting measures and with no experience running this place it may be the next to close. The restaurant business is a rough business to be in and all you have to do is look at the closings over the last several years. The present and future economy will take more of a toll.

    1. Chef fred runs mr. Paul's, they just changed the name due to bad pr, they needes to get a better crowd there since there old crowd was a bunch of roudy drunks and drug addicts plus the shooting out front didn't help so they changed the name to Georgia house but it wasn't a real Georgia house so they had to change the name again. Thus Mr. Pauls which chef fred is still a part of.

  29. January 21, 2013 at 9:59 AM-
    Zias will refund your gift cards if purchased before November 2012. Just take them in between 11 am and 6 pm.

    1. That makes no sense. What about those that bought gift cards for Christmas gifts? They most likely were purchased in December.

  30. I used to really like the Zia's Express when it was in front of K mart.I guess you could say it was fast Italian food.

  31. Zia's was the best restaurant in Salisbury. We went there for lunch and dinner quite often. The owners were friendly and I especially, appreciated the Veteran's meals they offered. We will miss Zia's!!

  32. Good riddance! Its sad when the food and service at a chain restaurant (Olive Garden) is 5 times better than your "local Italian restaurant".

    Then both brothers were complete a*holes.

  33. All these negative comments. Makes it hard to understand how they were able to stay in business for 30 years.

  34. Well, like most, you have a choice were to spend your money to eat, if you had a bad meal there then fine, but it appeared by going their. It always seemed busy on Fri or Sat nights. I have had alot of good meals at Zias.

  35. I like Vinny's a lot better than Zia's (with the exception of the salad dressing), but I am still sorry to see a local business close.

  36. I agree with they lost business because they were Jerks, bad service and the place was filthy. C ya

  37. Glad there gone, they were rude, they cused out the hostess in front of customers, they told you that you were worthless and a pos. One of them beat up a young kid on mothers day, and it was dirty cockroach heaven. They've been trying to sell that place for over three years. Glad such horrible people are gone, sorry for the loss of jobs for those hard working employees that put up with their crap.

  38. Turn it into a Hooters. Come in Salisbury instead of three in OC

  39. We had several very nice work and family luncheons in the party room and I certainly never noticed any problems with the restaurant. That was 5 or 6 years ago.

  40. The old WATERMANS in Salisbury did the same thing and stole money for Easter Sunday dinner and sold gift cards for it then closed UNANNOUNCED with no refunds, what is wrong with business owners these days ?they expect 2 weeks notice from people when they are leaving but don't give employees the common same courtesy, WATERMANS AND FOX AND OLIVES PREVIOUS owners should be Ashamed of themselves Carma is a B tch.

  41. Ella G.....go to the Delmar Pizza and talk to Jimmy. His wife was the owner and they are very nice I am very sure they will make it good.

  42. 11:44 Chef Fred is one of the cooks at Mr Pauls but does NOT own it in any way. You need to check out your facts before running off at the mouth. That is a really nice restaurant. They did not "just change the Name" It was bought by another family and is run by that family. You have all your information wrong~~you are the kind of person that runs locals out of town with lies.

  43. a locally owned and operated eatery will continue to thrive 90% of the time if:
    1. establishment is clean and appealing. (ambiance)
    2. food is great(not ordinary).
    3. prices are fair
    4. food is consistant (there is a problem with this in salisbury now at some of the independants and they will probably close as well.)
    5. service is good to great. give people a reason to come back.
    6. the owner and staff should always be friendly and try to remember you when you return. they will also begin to remember your likes and will bond with you. (yes, this is being done locally at very few eateries, but it makes a huge difference).
    7. as the economy gets worse, we are getting more savy on who is doing a great job and who isn't and we will gravitate to those that will follow all the above and go out of their way to make it better; that don't allow themselves to get in a rut and never change.
    a couple of more thoughts.
    8. the menu doesn't have to be extensive, but must have a decent selection. the eatery must have quality food and good presentation. the owners and management must be willing to substitute if the request is reasonable. be flexible on this if it doesn't affect the bottom line. people will come back and bring their friends.
    9. the staff is dressed properly and their clothes are clean and they appear clean.(no dirty hair, nails and hands. they should never serve beverages with their fingers touching the rim of the glass or plates etc. this is done a lot. use a small clean towel to serve dishes. they need to learn how to serve. keep their hands and fingers away from their face and head.(nasty). i know this may sound picky to some of you, but it's not to many of us. it's important.
    lastly, it really has nothing to do with locals vs. chains, but everything to do with all of the above. businesses will thrive on word of mouth if the reports are good to great. i hope all the local eateries read this.
    happy eating...

  44. Mister Pauls Legacy is owned and operated by Mr. Paul Longshore, his two step sons Rick and Jay. Other members of the FAMILY also work there in catering/etc. Brenda and chef Fred were there for one year. That year is up and yes they are gone. You will not find any nicer people than these guys.

  45. Chef Fred is no longer at Mr. Paul's.. Zia's was great for the community and had good food.. Get off your high horses and give a crap about our local economy and off your ignorance...

  46. Won't be missed by me! Terribly stained ceiling tiles, not a good sign! Last time I was there, and it was years ago, fly in the meal and no apologies by management. That was the last time I was there and have not had a good thing to say about it since.

  47. Wonder how Zia's was on The Best List for so many years. #1.

    1. Who's list and how much money did they spend on advertising with them. All those number one this and that are paid for.

  48. "Anonymous said...
    January 21, 2013 at 9:59 AM-
    Zias will refund your gift cards if purchased before November 2012. Just take them in between 11 am and 6 pm.

    January 21, 2013 at 10:16 AM"

    I hope this is because Zia's stopped selling gift cards after Nov 2012 otherwise this is completely asinine and only something a common thief would do!

  49. I never ate at Zia's, because multiple people told me the owners were jerks, and treated them poorly. These were patrons, and people who had to have a business relationship with them. May be it was a great place, I don't know. What I DO know is that word of mouth advertising IS powerful... the MOST powerful advertising, and it sounds like to me that the reputation of this place sealed the deal for it... don't eat there, the owners are jerks.

  50. We used to go there a lot years ago. Then they changed the menu and what we used to get wasn't offered anymore.

  51. Saturday, December 13, 2008

    Pete Bubbas, Owner Of Zia's Restaurant Arrested AGAIN

  52. Waterman's Cove closed after the 4 original owners sold it to the general manager. The original owners were two couples from Fishing Creek. They sold that business a good 10-12 years ago.

  53. The Bubbas brothers were a couple of big a$$holes to deal with. They’re restaurant was voted number one by Metropolitan magazine because they purchased so much advertising in that magazine, that is how you get “Voted” number one. Also, when you are doing the voting for your restaurant and you organize the election with only your restaurant in the running, well, you can pretty much know the outcome. The food was crap that they reheated, the salad dressing was from Sysco’s with an addition of a few spices and thousand island and French mixed together. The bread and rolls were from Sysco’s, they really made nothing from scratch, and it was a jip joint. The worst was that they sold gift certs in December and I am also stuck with a couple. Go to Mr. Paul’s, great guys, and no a$$ holes working there, good fresh on site cooked meals.

  54. I, too, stopped going there because of the owner's attitude and alleged employee abuses. As was stated earlier, jerks.

  55. Not may comments about the people who lost their jobs which there are a few.What do they do now?

  56. 3:23 is probably right about Metropolitan magazine.
    That magazine is a big joke!
    All a business has to do is flash their money in front of the owners and they'll get praised, no matter if the business is reputable or if the business sucks.

  57. People need to get their facts straight. This closing was planned for a long time. It was not part of the business plan anymore to stay open. It was profitable but not enough for the effort. I see that someone commented about sysco. Guess what? Most people use sysco including Fratellis. As for the owners, who cares if they are nice people or not. Neither are the Fratelli owners and Vinnie hangs out with Dave Nettles. Does it matter?

    1. Who cares who he hangs out with. The point is how the "jerks" treat the customers not about their personal life. Get a grip.

    2. If it was planned for a long time, why did they continue to sell gift cards?

  58. One owner gets arrested for soliciting a prostitute, the other for assaulting an employee. Douchebags. And all that #1 in the Metropolitan crap, please. The Metropolitan is an advertisement. The businesses owners pay to have their companies profiled. The real downside to this story is those who have been left without a job. I hope each and everyone land on their feet soon.

  59. Sad to see a local business go away. The landscape is changing for good and not better. When we go to dinner we always go to a local spot to support a local business. Sadly we find that on a fixed income we are eating out less and less. Also, when eating in a local place like Fratellis (we love them) we are also supporting the kids that are working there while going to SU. I will not eat out if I cannot leave a good tip.

  60. Have had the pleasure of eating at Zia's on many occasions. Food was always good as well as their service. As for Fratelli's...I have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt on several occasions. Their food is horrible as well as their service. I have tried more than 1 dish on their menu and they have all been terrible. Fratelli's is supposed to be "homemade" food...I'm not buyong it. I would be willing to bet Sysco delivers there as well!

  61. 3:52, most people on here would rather gossip about the owners' perceived personal failings.

  62. @3:52 - "perceived" personal failings? Actual personal failings documented in court filings and arrest records.

  63. ^:13:

    Hey Moron -- Frat's is the best food buy in Salisbury. Get lost!

    1. You are crazy, their food sucks now.

  64. "I haven't been there in 20 years, their food came from Sysco cans. Zia's food could not compare to Vinny's LaRoma and Fratelli's -both authentic,fresh ingredients, from scratch, menus. I recommend those that miss Zia's to try either of those restaurants, you'll be completely satisfied."

    Lol, everyone you just named is a client of Sysco. Sysco provides different grades and qualities of food.

  65. 6:13

    Fratelli's is definately the best. Never had a bad meal there. Crab cakes are the best i have ever had.
    Don't drink so much when you eat and you can taste the food.

  66. Zia's had sex offenders working for them.

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Zia's had sex offenders working for them.

    January 22, 2013 at 12:05 PM

    and one was the owner!

  68. Having 30 years of experience working for a Fortune 500 consumer products - retail service company - you cannot survive in the 21st century if you don't offer the highest quality service, reasonable prices, and excellent marketing skills. You are just not going to make it. Period.

  69. Fyi zias and frats are both owned by Greeks what do Greeks know about Italian cuisine?

  70. Horrible to my autistic son. He was making soft whoooo sounds. (Soft). Pete came up to us and asked "what's he? Sick or something"? He then said, if he is going to do that he can not eat in here". See ya Zias! Long time coming


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