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Thursday, January 31, 2013

You Know You're Not Living In A Free Country When

You know you’re no longer living in a free country when the government tells you what you can and cannot put in your body. Or when an unelected board of bureaucrats and corporate insiders can confiscate the assets of hardworking small business owners. Yet these have become par for the course in the Land of the Free. The latest bout involves a family-owned raw milk operation in Missouri that was decimated last week by the heavy hand of government, courtesy of the State Milk Board. Of course, this isn’t even an actual government agency, but rather one of more than 200 such committees in Missouri which wield tsarist authority over their domains. State Milk Board members include both state bureaucrats and corporate leaders from the milk industry. How convenient that a few big producers are given unelected, absolute authority to torpedo a raw milk competitor... And so, last Friday, farm inspectors arrived to confiscate 18 tons of cheese that Morningland Dairy had produced from raw milk. They were met by a small crowd which had gathered to show support for the family… and to denounce these agents of government for carrying out an immoral act on innocent people. It was all captured on video, including the police response.



  1. Folks, this is very sad and scary stuff what the government is doing. Keep in mind the Government wants control everything and this is how they 'justify' it.

  2. It's going to happen, and when it does, there will be bloodshed from one end of our country to the other. Everyday Joe has had a belly full of outsiders screwing around with his everyday life and sadly many innocent human beings, including many of those in L.E. just doing their jobs, will pay the price for the intrusive actions of others. Assault weapons will be the least of anyone's concerns.

  3. Liberals will say the govt is not confiscating assets. Oh really? This kind of thing along with taking more of my money in the name of higher taxes is seizing assets.

  4. Don't be fooled. While ultimately it is the government who enforces this crap it is at the urging of what's called "Big Food" who have need a way to circumvent anti trust laws. They want any and all competition out of the way so it is they who dream up all the regulations and fees and this and that to make it impossible for a small business to make it. The government is just the scapegoat for Big Food and other large corporations.

  5. hey, you left out what lightbulbs to buy...for starters on what you left out.

  6. Do you own yourself? Does the government own you? If you really owned yourself you would be able to ingest whatever you damn well please. What I choose to put in my body is no ones business but my own...period. The government has no right to make that choice for me. I do not consent to this "service", unfortunately the government does not require my consent.


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