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Monday, January 21, 2013

Women Demand Female '16 Presidential Nominee

Several prominent Democratic women lawmakers and the nation's leading group responsible for helping elect the largest group of women ever to Washington are demanding that the party nominate a female in the 2016 presidential election.

"We are ready," said Emily's List President Stephanie Schriock, "to put a Democratic woman in the Oval Office, and that starts with putting a woman on the Democratic ticket in 2016."

Her call at a huge Sunday Inaugural brunch held to herald women who received Emily's List support and money was echoed by several lawmakers including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and several female Democratic senators.



  1. If Barack gets a tax payer paid for sex change operation, then Bridgette Husein Obama could be elected for another 8 years!!!

  2. It has already been written. Hillary will be the next president......God help us!

  3. A female would have to go through the process just like everyone else.If she was capable of doing the job,why not elect a female.

  4. go sarah palin. oh silly me, i forgot she is a conservative. we can't have that

  5. Nancy Pelosi, lets all just hang ourselves if that witch gets in...

  6. If Hillary runs she will likely win. The Republicans will be barely able to run a candidate.

  7. 2:48 What process are you talking about? You mean background checks like college transcripts, selective service records, IRS tax returns, education funding, drug testing, an original birth certificate, issues of passport records, etc? In America these things mean nothing anymore.

  8. It shouldn't be having to have a female, black etc, it should be the PERSON best qualified to lead the country who or whatever they are.

  9. Maybe Michele Obamation will run she will get rid of Happy Meals

    LMAO over all you dumb liberals

  10. I would like to see a female president, but I don't want an affirmative action female president.

  11. Well, folks have been known to ignore the Qualification card before and elect a President on mere looks and chatter!

    Some women have a lot of both. Others are called Pelosi and Clinton!

  12. Good idea-Sarah Palin for president.


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