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Monday, January 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

Good thing you got out there early. Another hour or two with the rain and rising temps, there would be nothing left to shovel.

January 28, 2013 at 10:00 AM

This was taken just moments ago. I cleared the old Ethan Allen building to Mill Street. As you can see, there's still snow and plenty of ice even at 10:30 AM. 

Even though Salisbury may have $16,000,000.00 in surplus, perhaps the Mayor is trying to give it back to people getting injured. You know, easy come, easy go. 


  1. I wonder if our new mayor did the same as our old mayor, and had city employees shovel his sidewalks at home.

  2. anonymous 11:16, well, you wouldn't want to break a nail, would you?

  3. Landowner is responsible for clearing sidewalks - not Mayors. Nice of you Joe to do the landowners jobs for them. Hope they return the favor in some way.

    The city would not be responsible if someone was hurt unless the city owned the property and than the insurance would probably cover it.

  4. If the business does not clean in front of there property after 12hrs of the snow ending the city needs to fine them an clean the snow away NOT just let it sit? and wait for a lawsuit.Keep up the garbage job you call mayor.

  5. Hey Joe, I keep seeing pictures of you with the shovel. What happened to that nice snow blower that you bought a few years back? Did you sell it or something??

  6. anonymous 1:55, I still have it.

  7. I wished I had known earlier you were kind enough to do this. I'm recovering from multiple broken bones, and I was out with my broom and shovel clearing off my walkway so I wouldn't get fined by the city. I was scared I would fall, but the city wouldn't care they would just fine me.


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