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Friday, January 04, 2013

Update On Congress & USPS

Top lawmakers from both parties pledged their commitment to fixing the worsening financial problems at the Postal Service. Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) is the new chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Rep. Darryl Issa (R-Calif.) chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform committee. In a joint statement, they promised to work together. They acknowledged that last year each chamber passed laws with totally different approaches to stop the hemorrhaging. Carper and Issa said they've made progress in narrowing their differences. The Postal Service reports, it's losing $25 million a day.


  1. I was under the impression the USPS was not a federal agency. Why are we bailing out yet another mis-managed corporation? The USPS must pull itself up by its own boot straps or else someone else will take its place. Myself, I prefer email.

  2. I use to use the postal service alot every month. Then they decided to keep raising the price of stamps etc until I said good bye post office and use email as well. Companies get greedy and want more and more until they wind up with less and less. Don't feel sorry for them at all and don't want to bail them out. Maybe if they would lower prices so people could afford them, they may actually increase their quantity of customers.


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