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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Controversy is brewing in Fort Collins, Colo., after a Rocky Mountain High School decided to allow a multicultural student group to recite the Pledge of Allegiance over the loudspeaker in Arabic, among other languages. The situation landed Principal Tom Lopez in hot water, with a slew of angry statements and threats being phoned into the school.

Lopez, citing an extremely diverse school body, explained that he was approached by the student-led Cultural Arms Club and asked whether pupils could recite the Pledge in languages other than English. French, Spanish and Arabic were some of the options that were chosen, with the school agreeing to allow students to read the Pledge in these tongues during morning announcements.



  1. Un Fnnnn Real ...like i said bring on Sharia Law.

  2. Wait until these girls/woman are told to COVER UP from head to toe for sharia law that's coming,then lets see how tolerant these IDIOTS are.......MORONS And Traitors.

  3. This is America and has been for several hundred years. We are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants, but America never changed then and it shouldn't change now because we are a diverse population. Guess what? We have always been divers and we always spoke English and did everything the American way. We prayed in school, we did the pledge of allegiance to the flag, ONE NATION under GOD! We are one nation not 1000 different nations. Speak English and pledge allegiance to our flag or get out!

  4. I'm with you 10:03. It's bad enough we have to write Spanish on everything to make it easier for the illegals to live in our country. Now we have resorted to an Arabic pledge of allegiance? Don't come to OUR country and complain that our customs don't suit you. Saying the pledge of allegiance is a way to honor and show respect for the flag and country that allow your sorry asses to live here. Many great men gave thier lives for what the flag represents. Respect it, or shut the hell up and LEAVE!!

  5. Tom Lopez needs to be FIRED.

  6. LOL, so instead of being happy that these students are motivated, intelligent, and possess enough intellectual curiousity (exactly the skills these kids need to get ahead in life) to go out and learn other languages, you dum dums are all up in arms over this?

  7. Adding on to my previous comment;

    This is especially funny since the military has quite often cited the lack of arabic speaking personnel as a hindrance to counter terror operations in the middle east. You guys would rather discourage the kids from exploring other languages out of foolish racism than allow them to nuture their intellectual talent.

  8. 7:25 - This is the United States of "America", not the United States of the entire "World" and just as ALL other countries have their own traditions & rituals that should remain unchanged, so does the United States - ESPECIALLY our Pledge of Allegiance.

  9. ummm, 759, last I checked the country was built by people who came here from all around the world. But maybe I read the wrong book. Apparently these kids didn't "change" the pledge, the simply recited it in another language.

  10. This may be the only country in the western world in which learning a second language in school is not required. In every European country I've visited, all the kids and many adults speak perfect English. I'm with 7:23.

  11. I think its great & admirable that children in the U.S. are learning read, write, and speak other languages. In fact, I encourage that they do.

    What I, and many others, think is NOT so great & UNadmirable is children in the U.S. reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in languages other than ENGLISH, so in my opinion 7:59 they did in fact "change" the Pledge's traditional & HONORABLE way in which it should ALWAYS be recited and you're entitled to your exercise your 1st Amendment Right and expressing your opinion regarding the matter but many Americans do not & will NEVER agree with it.

  12. If these children want to pledge in another language they, and their families, should be returning to their native country(ies). The is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Yes, you are welcome here and you will adhere to the laws of AMERICA. If that offends you, fine, GO HOME!!!


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