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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Troy Durham -- Editorial

Good Morning Joe,

Below is the link to a petition that was generated yesterday afternoon, January 13, 2013 by Deputy Troy Durham's Attorney, Mr. Howard B. Hoffman, requesting a response from the Attorney General, Douglas Gansler regarding the case(s) of Deputy Troy Durham.
The petition received over (x100) signatures in less than twent-four hours and the number will certainly grow exponentially....

As I stated on my FB page:

"No matter who you are or where you live...
You do not need to reside in the state of Maryland, or know, or even "like" Deputy Troy Durham to be in favor of
from our elected officials."

The comments and reasons for signing from the supporters are powerful and definitely 'speak for themselves'.
However, there is one comment in particular that I believe needs to be shared with the press, and that is the comment from a former lLEO, Alexander Whittington. Please take a moment to read and share it.

You may also contact Howard B. Hoffman at (301) 251-3752 for more information.

Thank you.


  1. I wonder how many other police departments fire cops wrongfully?

  2. So let me make sure I understand this, if I read the petition right, that good ole boy Sheriff already lost in court twice, the deputy still hasn't got his job back or his backpay --- but the sheriff is still the sheriff??? and us taxpayers are paying for all of this too??? please tell me it ain't so!


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