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Thursday, January 17, 2013


The now famous Obamaphone lady, like tens of millions of other people, regret voting for Obama. It’s too late, dumbshits. He’ll probably decree himself president for a third term without elections or congressional approval of raising term limits. Forward!
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  1. Wait until Obamacare really kicks in and the stupid peons that voted for the abomination get a load of it. They are going to riot.

    They think they are going to be now "entitled to health care" when in fact it's healthcare COVERAGE that they are entitled to and have to purchase and pay for out of their own pockets or it will be deducted from any tax refund money they are due back.

  2. Healthcare coverage will be required to be purchased by anyone making over $9500 a year and if you don't work what is considered full time employers do not have to contribute. Many many employers including large companies are now cutting employees work weeks.
    The whole thing is a hugh mess.
    Medical related fields are laying off employees at a hugh rate due to Medicare cuts.

  3. My dream is to make $9,500 a year!

  4. I don't regret it at all.

  5. Well - I regret it a little. I thought it would be better than it is by now. It is actually getting worse. I was thinking that he would do the things he said he would and that it would make a big difference. But now I see he's just like every other politician but in ways he's worse. I am starting to see the lies. He said all the soldiers are coming home but I have two friends who are deploying to Afganistan in April with their whole group. Hundreds of them. He doesn't tell that. What else isn't he telling? He said he wasn't going to go after guns but he now is. I don't even own a gun but don't say one thing then do another. Very disappointed. I am now sorry I voted the way I did. I should have voted for - ugh - Romney?

  6. >>>I was thinking that he would do the things he said he would and that it would make a big difference. But now I see he's just like every other politician <<<

    Pardon me, but I just about puke when I hear this sentiment. Where were you for the last 4 years? You voted to re-elect a proven disaster. What's more, you rejected an individual who actually had a plan to reinvigorate the economy. Too little, too late.

  7. you gotta wonder if he didnt have something to do with that shooting so that he could go after guns

  8. OMG!! 9:32PM
    I wondered the same thing but never dared say it aloud.

  9. We tried to tell you...and you called us racist..And now you are sheep with a wolf government

  10. January 17, 8:26pm: Where were you for the last four years?? The idiot lied the first time around and did nothing in four years but make the economy even worse that it was. Unfortunately, not only did you get what you deserved for voting for the idiot, but so did everyone else that didn't have their heads buried in the sand. Shame on you!!!!

  11. Just heard his so called appointed "job council" hasn't met in a year. Obama's your typical loser-never finishes anything he starts and when he claims it's finished like Obamacare it's nothing more than a hugh fiasco not well thought out and done half assed.
    You don't regret voting for Obama 7:16? You obviously have very low standards.

  12. Time to take this country back by what ever means, I know it ain't going to be pretty but, when has the price of freedom been free?

  13. Really wishful thinking the "tens of millions of people" regret voting for Obama. Truth is if the election was held today he would win again. But I know that doesn't fit the BS propogated on this mindless blog site.

  14. The reason he won and would win again is because there are more "takers" than there are payers.


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