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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


During Senate testimony this today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implied that lack of funding for the State Department was a contributor to the deadliness of the Benghazi terrorist attack in Sept. 2012.

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) provided her an opportunity to do this by asking her whether it was resonable to expect anything but trouble if Congress did not fund the State Department's security needs.

Clinton ran with Durbin's premise and pointed out "deficiencies" and "inadequacies" within the department. She said she has spent the last four years "doing what [she] could" to encourage State Dept. officials "to do as much as they could with what they had." 



  1. B/C Obama had time to brief her on what to say...

  2. Liar liar pants on fire hang it up hilliiary your guilty of treason no chance u will ever be president u should be ashamed of what ur kind have done to this country

  3. 9:55-Your fellow citizens and mine have proven that her kind can indeed be elected - twice.

  4. yes; shame on hillary. she failed and then lied to cover up her failure. she had plenty of time to practice how to deceive the congress and practice her acting skills.
    the only one who stood up to her wiles was ran paul. the rest of them weren't prepared for her deception and should have known better. in addition; they don't have a backbone.

  5. According to State Dept official Charlene Lamb when she testified "funding was not an issue." Now Clinton says differently in an attempt to take blame off herself and the dems and lay it on republicans. The pathological lying that goes on in dem circles is epidemic.

  6. Don't be surprised if she DOES become president. The people of this country are among the dumbest in the world. Their memories seem to be shorter than that of most two year olds. Obammie made a second term, didn't he?

  7. The reason he won was due to ignorant leeches. How anyone with half a brain can claim this man as a Savior is very lost. Hillary n her kind are relics of the failed liberal polcies that have gotten us to where we are now .The truth will set u free but what comes out of this admins mouth is all lies deceite n deflection.typical libtard anyones fault but theirs

  8. What a crock of crap! I am a manager and I know that whatever happens on your watch, you are responsible and she should have put her big girl panties on and sucked it up and accepted responsibility for what happened. She said she didn't know about the requests for help because it never reached her desk, well maybe if she was traveling so much, she would have known. No excuse!!

  9. No responsable for anything. and we wonder where our youth get it. it starts at the top. same in corporations.

  10. She actually took responsibility, you would know that if you were paying attention to anything other than faux news or hate radio. Oh and by the way, if she chooses to run in 2016 she will win. This wouman is tha most admired woman in the world. Those detractors like the ones on this blog are a very small minority. God Bless Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  11. Wow 8:54 you must live under a rock u are the minority!! Hillary n her kind ..n i guess you . Are a bad diaease in this nation that needs to be cured..death to socialism n marxism it does not work or r u also blind ...admired maybe among the ignorant n uninformed

  12. What a joke the questioning was. We have waited for months for her to testify and the way it was all handled is a joke. This is why the American people need and deserve better then the current people in place. Instead of people kissing her butt ask the hard questiond and make her stick to an answer. 5 minutes for one person and then on to a Democrate to just tell her how great she is. One Republican said he wishes she would have won the democratic primary???? That not a guestion.....what a joke this government has become.

  13. Anonymous said...
    9:55-Your fellow citizens and mine have proven that her kind can indeed be elected - twice.

    January 24, 2013 at 12:02 AM

    You took the words right out of my mouth. My thoughts exactly.

  14. Anonymous said...
    She actually took responsibility, you would know that if you were paying attention to anything other than faux news or hate radio. Oh and by the way, if she chooses to run in 2016 she will win. This wouman is tha most admired woman in the world. Those detractors like the ones on this blog are a very small minority. God Bless Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    January 24, 2013 at 8:54 AM

    And you are gullible and a proven Kool Aid drinker!

  15. Did anyone else get sick and tired of Hillary's laughing and giggling? This was a hearing on 4 dead Americans for God's sake. Please show some compassion!

  16. 9:55 & 9:57 u and your ignorant citizens are not talking out of ur mouths.!!..leftist, democrats(libtards) are fools gold

  17. One useless one world order crony that will be replaced with another useless one world order(skull and crossbones) crony. Expect more of the same with Carry. Our ambassadors and citizens in the Muslim countries are now fair game for the murdering low-lifes that reside there. One half the country knows Hillary is a useless self serving fool the other half is too uninformed and/or stupid to realize it.

  18. Hillary 2016, get used to it. Hillary Rodham Clinton will be elected President if she chooses to run. It won't even be close. There is no competition. The majority on this blog are the minority in this country. That is a fact.

  19. 11:30 Silly girl, there probably wont be a democratic system to elect the fool when Obummer gets done with his plan for the country.

  20. 11:30 Why would'nt an election with Hillary Clinton even be close. This last election was very close with Obama only winning with 51% of the vote. When all the fraud is accounted for (140% of Philadelphia precincts vote for Obama for one example)he probably got less than 1/2 of the vote. I think that once this president gets done ruining the economy any Democrat running is not going to have a chance in HE-double-hockey- sticks of winning unless of course the vote of the middle class is again diluted by voter fraud. In that case at the best for you it would be close again.

  21. Nice fairy tale 12:24, it's exactly that type of thinking that lost the last two elections and will lose many more to come. Keep up the good work.

  22. Type of thinking ? It's called the truth, you ought to try it sometime.

  23. Only the truth in your own twisted mind 1:43. Now turn off the faux news and hate radio, put down the crack pipe and kool ade.

  24. 3:21 you need to lay off crack pipe the Clintons are proven liars why would anybody believe anything Hillary says


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