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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

State Highway Administration Defends Speed Camera Program

The controversy over whether to change Maryland's three-year-old speed camera law arrived in Annapolis Tuesday, with some lawmakers calling for accountability and the State Highway Administration touting the value of its program.

State Highway Administrator Melinda B. Peters said serious accidents in work zones have reached a 10-year low and only 2 percent of drivers are ticketed by the speed cameras. Peters told lawmakers it's necessary to have cameras operating in construction zones even when workers are not present — a practice some lawmakers have criticized — because the jersey barriers and irregular traffic patterns are a hazard.

"Work zones are challenging to maneuver for even the most experienced drivers," Peters said.



  1. The more the merrier.

  2. They can't tell the truth. These snakes don't care about our "safety". If they did, they wouldn't allow the governor to drive 80-90MPH through our state, escorted by a small army of state cops. Its about the MONEY. Thats all. MONEY. They use phrases like "if we can save just one life..." and "children's safety" and "protect innocent lives". Then, when arguments against their latest proposal are made, they get to ridicule the opposition with labels like "fringe groups", "uniformed", and "unconcerned about the safety of children". What they REALLY mean is "stop trying to get in the way of our newest money grab, you stupid peasants".

  3. What a scam. I live down Pemberton drive and was considering buying a property here in Salisbury. But riding by that nazi car with it's profit cameras every day, killed that idea.

    Between the crime and the speed entrapment traps, we are looking at Worcester county. Salisbury is going down hill fast. I hope the nazis have enjoyed fining me 8 times. My radar detector keeps me in check now. Have not had a ticket since.

  4. These cameras are going up all over town and NOT just in school zones; it has to be an infringement of our rights as citizens!

    If I get a ticket I will get a lawyer and try to sue the city!

  5. Simple... remove the camera's.

  6. lolol...remove the cameras with my car!

  7. Inane and stupid, self righteous sissy sheep with a personal tragedy to advocate were the ones who opened the door for Nazi "checkpoints" (because if we could save "just one life"--- sound familiar??) and "school zone speed cameras" (for the safety of our children, our precious children, for Gods sake! - insert sad story here). And because they (the Nazi-like authorities) said their use would be "limited" - they PROMISE. Guess what? You got what you asked for. Now, there are speed camera's everywhere and we have armed federal agents doing "roaming" checkpoints all over our nation's highways, stopping and searching INNOCENT people to see IF they are committing any crime. Stop and Frisk is okay, too, because who needs rights if you're not doing anything wrong? And storing all of our e-mails is a good thing, you know, just in case. Keep cheering, you idiots, just like the MILLIONS who cheered Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. But don't be bitchin' now. Just like the Germans, the Russians, and the Chinese stopped their complaining, too. Immediately after they were killed by the very ones they so loudly cheered. No similarity though, right? Aahhh, on the other hand, don't waste the time to think about THAT. You are way too brainwashed for any REASON to reach that small sheeple brain. My apologies to real sheep.

  8. 11:11 AM

    I for one am glad you're moving to Worcester county

  9. I for one am glad you're moving to Worcester county

    January 16, 2013 at 6:48 PM

    That was mean and I apologize.

    But 8 fines? I'm assuming for speeding?

    What was the time frame of these fines? All in a month? Two? Spread out over a year? Two?


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