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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Some Families To Be Priced Out Of Health Overhaul

Some families could get priced out of health insurance due to what's being called a glitch in President Barack Obama's overhaul law. IRS regulations issued Wednesday failed to fix the problem as liberal backers of the president's plan had hoped.

As a result, some families that can't afford the employer coverage that they are offered on the job will not be able to get financial assistance from the government to buy private health insurance on their own. How many people will be affected is unclear.

The Obama administration says its hands were tied by the way Congress wrote the law. Officials said the administration tried to mitigate the impact. Families that can't get coverage because of the glitch will not face a tax penalty for remaining uninsured, the IRS rules said.



  1. Love how Obama blames everything on Congress-- guess he forgot that the Democrats wrote this bill. But Obamacare will be free for the illegal imigrants. Isn't that special???

  2. 6:43 If he has his way they wont be illegal immigrants anymore. Which means that all the mothers that are collecting money from anchor babies will now be eligible to collect benefits. How many more people will that put on welfare?

  3. ObamaCare won't be free for illegal immigrants. In fact, they are specifically barred from receiving benefits under the law.

    I'm as opposed to this law as anyone, but at least I know why I'm opposed. Spreading ignorant lies about it only undercuts the case for repealing it.

  4. 8:08
    So do you think if someone who is illegal and goes to the ER they will be denied service?

  5. ObamaCare won't be free for illegal immigrants. In fact, they are specifically barred from receiving benefits under the law.

    I guess you mean the few that would attempt to buy insurance would be denied?

  6. 8:13 PM

    NO ONE is denied service at any ER.

  7. To 8:13, the requirement that ERs serve everyone, regardless of citizenship, is part of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. That law was passed in 1986 and signed into law by President Reagan. You can blame ObamaCare for a lot, but not this.

    To 8:43, illegals can buy health insurance, but they can't receive subsidies and they can't enroll in Medicaid. ObamaCare established these subsidies and expanded Medicaid only for legal residents of the U.S.

  8. I understand that illegals can not get benefits for themselves. They get them for the children that they have while they are here illegally. Once Obama gets his way they will not be legal citizens. That means they will be able to get welfare benefits for themselves along with their children.

    I know the hospitals will not turn them away but who will pay the bill when it is due since they are illegal and not covered under Obamacare

  9. Illegal immigrants DO get covered under Medicaid for EMERGENCY treatment and that is because hospitals and heath centers DON'T ask about patients' legal status. A hospital can not go there because then the hospital is acting as an immigration official. I believe some states are attempting to close this loophole Arizona being one of them.
    I don't believe under Obamacare this has changed and there is an added benefit for illegals. If they do end up in the ER and have no insurance they being illegals are NOT subject to the penalty because it mandates that only US citzens pay the hefty fines for not being covered.
    It's a bad law, hastily written and not read, nor carefully thought out and researched before being passed.

  10. Don't let Obamacare supporters fool you. This law is a hugh benefit to illegals. Oh yes, they aren't allowed to enroll in Medicaid. So? This isn't a new concept-always been that way. However individual states may choose to cover illegals under Medicaid using what's being called "state ONLY funds."
    For all those who are unaware this is called a "loophole."

  11. You can only laugh at the Obamacare supporters. They only see black and white and don't think.
    Under Obamacare illegals will not be eligible for Medicaid, as yes was always the case. Hospitals will be eligible for reimbusement through Medicaid for illegals though.
    It's gotten to the point where it has to be that Obama supporters love to be fooled or are completely stupid.


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