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Friday, January 18, 2013

Signs Are Popping Up Just About Everywhere

Signs are being posted all over the Downtown Plaza just in time for 3rd Friday. 

If you'd like a sign for your home or property just send us an e-mail at AlberoForMayor@gmail.com and we'll be sure to get one right out to you. 


  1. Awesome Joe. I will see you there.

  2. These business people are smart. They know you will turn things around for a brighter future.

  3. Awesome ...can i park my car in-front of city-hall with a sign on it?

  4. I agree 2:38, business people are smart and the backbone of a successful community.

  5. I'll be there to see you first of next week and pick up a yard sign, I need to get one of Debbie Campbell's too.

  6. I hope Rob lets you put one at Mojo's, that would be like a fart in church for Ireton.

  7. Love the sign at Delmarva CrossRoads, wasn't that John Robinson's place? All kinds of support for you

  8. Are bumper stickers available? I live in Delmar and can't vote for you, but I can still show my support.

  9. Can't help but think anyone with a sign will see a city inspector soon

  10. 8:02 has a great idea Joe. You should consider distributing bumper stickers & car signs.

  11. He has already distributed bumper stickers.

  12. The Big Question:

    Whose signs will the SAPOA members be putting on their properties?

  13. I do not live in Wicomico but support you in your quest.

  14. I saw one of your signs on Rockawalkin Rd Joe. Even the county folks support you.

  15. I am so glad that you are not censoring comments on this page. In the spirit of free speach we should all get to have our opinions taken into account. Thats why I told the Delaware blogger what I thought of him on SBYnews. Of course as all ways the Delaware blogger will never post a comment critical of him unless he takes an hour or two to concentrate really hard on a flippant response. What a total hypocrite. If pressured on this I'm sure his response would be that he has an opinion site, but he holds REAL news to higher standards. I completely agree with the Delaware bloggers politics, but as a person he is a spineless worm who hides behind his computer trying to destroy peoples lives. The only plus side of the Delaware blogger getting elected would be the payback from everyone he has attacked once he is considered a "public figure". You are a nasty little man Joe.

  16. 8:50pm Has a attitude and a great piont!


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