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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Seen At Dollar Tree In Salisbury


  1. Makes sense....everything at dollar tree is one dollar....the Sunday paper is worth more than that. I knew it was coming but thanks for posting this Joe!

  2. 7-11 in Ocean Pines discontinued selling it several weeks ago because of the same exact reason. In fact, they discontinued selling their paper altogether.

  3. The DT isn't worth more than a dollar. That's the problem!

  4. 3:53 that paper is NOT worth more than a dollar. Far from it!!

    It may be SELLing for more than a buck, but it ain't worth it!

  5. Isn't it kind of bad for a mayoral candidate to celebrate what he perceives to be something bad for a business in the town he wishes to govern? I mean if you want to be mayor, shouldn't you want a large employer in your city to do well?

  6. Now its getting almost to expensive to start my fireplace with

  7. anonymous 4:35, come on Ireton Camp, is that all you've got? Are you truly suggesting I NOT publish such information, information the public deserves to know. Will I now be getting another PHONE SPOOF, or have you completely and conveniently forgotten so soon?

  8. I agree with the first commenter....the Sunday paper IS worth more than a buck because of all the coupons which saves me $$$ at the grocery store. The rest of the week is a different story. :-)

  9. Who cares about the Dollar Tree? Who has the dope about Greg Bassett being sacked?

  10. Executive editor Greg Bassett was fired today. On top of this, his wife recently kicked him out of the house.

  11. Was Greg Bassett fired? He isn't listed on Delmarvanow.com's staff directory.

  12. Wonder if Bassett will end up at WBOC? Joe Carmean works there.

  13. MD Lower Eastern Shore residents are deserving of a great newspaper comparable to our neighbors in Western MD's newspaper (Washington Post & Baltimore Sun)
    Decent news stations would be appreciated as well considering out inferior news stations.

  14. They have shot their ownselves in the foot. Their biggest mistakes:

    1. When they hitched their team to the liberal left

    2. When they started brandishing political support to such notable losers - names I'll withhold - but we all know who they were affiliated with - Salisbury's House of Lords.

    3. Then - they started fabricating the news as opposed to reporting the news. Things like employment statistics, new business generation - all the while things were actually spiraling downward and the economy headed south.

    Now - The Daily Times is IMHO just a tabloid - void and useless.

  15. Had a College Professor at SSC back in the 80's that called the DT the "Daily fishwrapper".

  16. There are a lot of places in and around town that have stopped distributing The Daily Times. Johnny's Sub on OC road recently stopped also.

  17. there needs to be another outlet for death notices to be published. other than that , cant think of a reason to buy the paper anymore

  18. A lottery ticket is a better investment! Same dollar, but there's more news printed on a lottery ticket, and there's a chance of gaining something by buying one!

  19. i stopped getting it 3 years ago after over 20 years of getting it every day of the week. It has been a waste of money for years. It isn't even big enough to wrap fish anymore. Worthless!

  20. Subscribed just shy of 25 years; 'content', and lack of content and balance were 'pull the plug' factors.

    Thompson diminished it; Gannett and Basset put it into a death spiral.

    Framed against the generally dismal state of most newspapers uncertain if Gannett can turn it around locally, even if they want to alter its slant and content.

  21. Will they stop throwing worthless papers in my driveway now?

  22. This rag is a dead duck


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