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Monday, January 21, 2013


In his latest proposed capital improvement plan, Mr. Ireton wants an entirely new tax – called a stormwater utility fee – to generate more revenue for the lofty goal of improving water quality. By calling it a “fee” for a “utility” it can be imposed (like Maryland’s infamous “flush tax”) without raising the tax rate. The plan suggests that he is looking to raise about $19 Million per year with this scam – so that the hit would be substantial. But (surprise) it won’t be in the City’s budget until after the upcoming election.
Ireton’s plan also includes humongous new debt and spending – including $35 Million, to be raised by bonds, just for fixing the waste water treatment plant (the net amount, after attorney’s fees, from the lawsuits is not nearly enough).
And, even with all that new debt, which will require higher taxes and sewer and water bills, and the new “fee”, Mr. Ireton is proposing to further postpone major infrastructure projects that are very important, such as replacing the sewer main in North Division Street, due to lack of funds.
If this plan is followed, Salisbury residents will pay much higher taxes, water and sewer bills and new “stormwater utility fees,” while the City’s infrastructure continues to crumble and fail.
What do you think? What about that $16 Million surplus that Mr. Ireton crows about in his campaign propaganda? Is that another of his political scams since the City needs to raise many times that amount just to do the basic repair and replacement of its infrastructure?


  1. Berlin Mayor wants the same...millions of dollars charged to residential and commerical property owners for a new stormwater management utility. This will drive the businesses out for sure as he has them paying the lion's share of the costs.

  2. Joe, how exactly would an Albero administration deal with/pay for the infrastructure issues in Salisbury?

  3. anonymous 10:55, Thank you for asking.

    One of the problems and issues we've experienced over the past 16 years is out of control spending.

    We watched Barrie Tilghman and the City Council ramrod a $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace down our throats. We've watched millions upon millions of dollars spent on new Fire Trucks and equipment. We watched TIF's flying through the City in the mega millions with no care and or success whatsoever. We've seen millions of dollars spent on developer reimbursements with no accountability.

    Yet we allow our local media to attack the very Council Members who have been fiscally responsible. Council Members who have found millions upon millions of dollars hidden in the budget purposely set aside in the hope that money wouldn't be recognized.

    We're listening to a current mayor who screams and yells about the Council of No's for feel good projects we OBVIOUSLY cannot afford at this time.

    We need to tighten our belts. We need to bring manufacturers and jobs to Salisbury to help offset these millions of dollars the current and former administrations stuck us with. We have to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX and actually do some real work for once.

    Instead of spending, we need to tighten our belts and finally tackle what inevitably faces us right here and now. We have a failing infrastructure, roads in disrepair, pipes failing us almost every single day. Heck, GET THIS, the mayor recently said the water main break recently on Rt. 13 was caused by FROZEN PIPES????? We have YET to see frozen conditions, let alone pipes 4 to 6 feet under ground. PLEEEEASE!

    No matter who is your next mayor, you and I both know we have to pay for a major screw up in the WWTP. Don't you think for a second Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton knew one day someone like me would have to face THEIR failures.

    I'm man enough to face these problems head on, unlike the current and former administrations. They want to lay this on my shoulders and quite frankly I welcome the challenge. I, (unlike them) will figure out ways to keep the impack of what faces us in the future to a minimum and I will do everything in my powers to NOT raise taxes along the way.

    The taxpayers of Salisbury have enough on their shoulders. I know that, I recognize that and more importantly I RESPECT THAT.

    I've said this in the past, I may not be the most recognized Mayor Salisbury will ever have but one thing is for sure, I'll do everything I can to ease the pain.

  4. We have a $16 million surplus, that indicates that if we keep the belt tight we can get the work done without extensive rates that will further hurt the middle class and small business.

    If you think your water bill is high, can you imagine what a restaurant spends on water a year? That's all we need to do is stick a fork in more family run local restaurants.

  5. I remember the paper quoting the public works director as the pipes breaking were due to freezing (water pipes at Prisilla and RT 13). We've not even had a good freeze yet! Who's tailpipe is she trying to blow smoke up?

  6. The PWD is not qualified to have that job and everyone but her and her little butt lickers (and you know who you are) know it.

  7. sounds like irton is a typical politician - tax and spend. a tax by any other name is still a tax. he has to go. thanks. sjd

  8. Anonymous said...
    The PWD is not qualified to have that job and everyone but her and her little butt lickers (and you know who you are) know it.

    January 21, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    What department head is qualified for their position? Look at the acting fire chief. What makes him qualified?

  9. Joe:

    If you are elected, will this new tax be in the budget in any amount whatsoever?

  10. I'm sick of paying water bills that increase yearly. Before the waste water treatment plant was re-built the mayor should have done the homework to make sure it was right. I'm sick to death of being forced to pay for everyone's mistakes. If the mayor doesn't have sense enough to do the job right the first time, he shouldn't be in the position. Money could be saved on this salary alone.

  11. dont forget the fire boat.

  12. or the 400 thousand dollar mistake hoppes made on the grant

    liarton said he would clean house and did not

    as long as you have 3rd stringers running the daily ops, sby will always be what it is

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    or the 400 thousand dollar mistake hoppes made on the grant

    liarton said he would clean house and did not

    as long as you have 3rd stringers running the daily ops, sby will always be what it is

    January 21, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    You are correct and Ireton lied about cleaning house. He jumped right in bed with the enemy immediately and gave them accolades, pay raises and promotions.

    Liarton must go NOW!!

  14. 11:56 us correct. Joe, if elected what will you do about Teresa Gardner?

  15. Anonymous said...
    11:56 us correct. Joe, if elected what will you do about Teresa Gardner?

    January 21, 2013 at 11:13 PM

    And what will you do about Rick Hoppes? Neither one of them are qualified and the only thing they have going for them is the say the right things to Jim Ireton at the right time and he is to stupid to realize they are sucking up to him.

  16. Joe, municipalities have been given notice that they have a small window to enact a storm water management tax or the counties will. So the best thing we can hope for as city residents is that Jim or you enact a small tax in order to save us from Rick's greedy paws.


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