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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Salisbury Council Candidates Debate at NAACP Forum

Jake Day and Jack Heath - Vote for Me!  I'm not Debbie Campbell

The two candidates challenging Salisbury councilwoman Debbie Campbell agree on one thing - they would be opposed to the sun rising if Campbell supported it.  On Twitter last night, Daily Times reporter Jeremy Cox posted:
Little daylight between Day and Heath on issues. Seem to agree on most. Mainly, that they are against everything Campbell has done.
Little daylight between Day and Heath on issues. Seem to agree on most. Mainly, that they are against everything Campbell has done.

Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of Campbell's votes have been in support of Ireton's initiatives, opponents Jacob Day and Jack Heath emphasized that they would "work with the mayor" if elected.  Campbell noted that it "takes courage to say no.  I will do what's best for Salisbury, not some individual."

Day illustrated that his command of the issues was not as strong (or accurate) as he attempted to portray.  When asked about what votes he would have made differently, Day cited the "critical areas bill".  This bill has not even come before the council yet.


  1. Can you identify which is Jack and which is Jake in your picture.

  2. why are white people discussing naacp stuff? thats just funny

  3. I don't care who runs, I can't think of anyone better than Debbie Campbell. Time and time again she has saved us from tax hikes.

  4. "When asked about what votes he would have made differently, Day cited the "critical areas bill". This bill has not even come before the council yet."

    That's pretty funny. Now if Day comes knocking on anyone's door be sure and ask him about this and report back here on how he tried to spin it-Okay?

  5. "Anonymous said...
    why are white people discussing naacp stuff? thats just funny

    January 31, 2013 at 10:18 AM"

    I'll answer this one. Salibury demographics show that African Americans are approx 30% of the population. They also show a higher per capita unemployment rate, poverty, gov't subsidy dependance. These figures effect everyone because of the economic impact on the community at large.
    When a good portion of 30% of a population can't afford to buy gas that alone makes for a terrible economy.

  6. This guy day has NO clue about politics but he does have a good haircut?

  7. Thank you 12:49 Spot ON!

  8. For whatever reason I doubt that an organization such as the NAACP's primary interests would have anything to do with critical areas anyway. I think they have far more critical issues to deal with than critical areas. Atleast in this point in time.

  9. that is Jacob Day, Jack is not pictured.

  10. I have Joe's sign in my yard so hopefully Day and Heath won't knock on my door!

  11. Salisbury voters are extremely lucky to have Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero to vote for- Debbie is works tirelessly for the citizens, and Joe will too. The future of the Downtown area will be decided by this election--Ireton with his plans to turn it into Section 8 housing(no doubt heavily endorsed by the slumlords who will profit) and Albero has plans to return it into a thriving small business friendly hub. And I shudder to think what will happen without Debbie on the city council.

  12. Debbie Campbell pours her heart & soul into doing what is right for the people of Salisbury. I don't live in town, but I urge Everyone who does to get out there & vote for her. She stands strong in her belief of good morals & values. You just can't beat that woman --she truly cares about the people of SBY !!

  13. For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would want to elect a City employee to a job that oversees things such as how much money is given to City employees. Isn't this like hiring the fox to guard the hen house?

  14. Under Ireton, downtown won't be much more than a cash cow for a select few. He is the perfect example of a politician making things happen for his cronies and anointed one. Not saying he is on the take, just saying he panders to groups and individual he thinks can get him to his next political goal. You know the type. "Want a new piece of playground equipment? Sure, vote for meeee. Want designer lights on your street? Sure, vote for meeee. Want preferential treatment for your ____ (fill in the blank) group? Sure, vote for meeee."

    This is why our country is in a world of hurt now.

  15. I was there last night - didnt know any of the 3 District 2 candidates personally. The fact that this is what you picked up on to attack Jake Day pretty much proves to anyone not there that he knocked it out of the park. Don't worry though, the video will show that.

  16. Which candidate is a city employee? From the resumes of all 3 candidates for Dist 2, its clear they all work for private companies.

  17. Day had the Ireton charisma and fluff, but much of what he said was inaccurate as illustrated by an earlier comment about critical areas. He pretty much said he'll be a rubber stamp for Ireton. Beware...we were fooled by Jim and by Louise and look what the dream team of Dunn, Comegysand Cathcart got us. Campbell has worked hard and kept he word.

  18. Exactly 1:44. That's who will profit-the slumlords and the developers and in the meantime the slumlords forget about and will continue to allow their rentals in other areas to deteriorate which causes blight and lowers the value of the primary resident owners, many of which are black people. Then the government will come in and steal their property for peanuts like they did when they built the bypass.
    That made me sick the way the county allowed some areas to detoriate and not enforce laws and the owners who live in and took pride in their homes were screwed royally when their properties became devalued and they were forced to sell for the contruction of the bypass. It was mostly black people and many of them elderly. Shameful!

  19. Jack Heath is a class act! He will
    receive many votes based on his business and civic knowledge.
    I don't know Mr. Day. I also
    respect Mrs. Campbell but I am
    a strong believer in term limits
    and change.

  20. Day blew the roof off the place. I was there to see Joe (who also was strong) - but Day looked like a natural.

  21. I used to be in favor of term limits but I'm not so sure it's a good idea. Don't you think we'd have alot of politicians who would then be pushing their personal agendas knowing there would be nothing to lose? It sounds good in theory but alot (esp on state and fed levels) would surely not be truly representing the people if the fear of losing an election wasn't held over their heads.

  22. I've known Jacob Day and his family for years! Good man, good brains, good vision and good family!!!!

  23. Debbie Campbell has a good track record of standing up to her principles. And she hasn't done anything shady or screwed the city over at all. We have no clue who we're getting in the other candidates. I'd say that it's too risky to vote for anybody but Campbell.

  24. "Family" as in wife and/or children 3:07? What I'm getting at...... is he married?

  25. Agreed 3:34 we already know what we have with Campbell. Why change that!

  26. From what I have heard of Day, he is smart. However, anyone ready to rubber stamp what Ireton wants does not have my trust, no matter how nice, or smart, or whatever.

    If this town loses Debbie Campbell, all the shady stuff, incompetence and waste that she has uncovered will be back in the closet at the little guy's expense. She has the inside knowledge to make our government more honest and the heart and integrity to keep after it. Just think how good this city could have been if Ireton had followed through on being her partner and Terry Cohen's and Tim Spies' instead of fooling people and riding their coattails into office, using them and a bunch of his other friends. If Day supports that kind of a person for mayor, well, he certainly isn't the person I want working for me.

    I believe this is a comment worthy of a post!

  27. If Jacob Day supports JIm Ireton THAT IS ENOUGH REASON not to vote for him. Term limits is a good idea for DC Politicians who rake in millions of dollars from special interests, lobbyists, insider information etc. the longer they are in office.Being on the city council of Salisbury is a headache, not a moneymaker.

  28. Why are white people discussing NAACP issues, 10:18? You know how white people are, just because they don't know about a topic never stops them from being experts. Ha Ha!

  29. 3:39 Why don't you just stick to what is important for the position.

  30. 4:30 p.m., you have that right.

    Whether Day is directly connected to Ireton or not (I believe he is), if he supports the same things Ireton does, then no, no, no to him.

  31. African Americans know when they're being pandered to. I doubt the Guerrero family would agree that Joe is a racist, and I'm pretty sure they haven't paid Joe big bucks to promote fights and encourage the public to support their sons. It's disrespectful to assume voters of any race don't know when they're being played. They do.

  32. I believe that Mrs. Campbell is for the average taxpayer and as one, I deeply appreciate her willingness to not raise my taxes on my fixed income. I also appreciate her personal courage to say, "no" and stand up for doing the right thing instead of caving to outside pressures. Your reward will be great.

  33. anonymous 5:31, THANK YOU! I have been waiting for someone to say that. Look, so everyone knows, Fernando, Alex, Carmelo and the rest of the entire Guerrero Family have never paid me to promote a single fight, nor has Hal Chernoff and the Main Street Gym.

    I can tell you right here and now, I can call Fernando at ANY given time and assure you he'd answer the phone each and every time, as well as the rest of his Family.

    I can tell you his Mother is one of the greatest cooks in the entire world and I have broken bread in their home numerous times. We are very close friends, ALL of us.

    Don't you believe for one second Jim Ireton speaks the truth about any part of Joe Albero being a racist. It's untrue and quite frankly I know of at least three Guerrero's that would knock my block off if I was.

    Because of retaliation I'll not name names but you can believe that quite a few of the people from the black community that were there last night were there in support of Joe Albero. Others sent me kind text messages before the forum.

    Over the last 4 years, my cell phone doesn't show COLOR when the elderly or handicapped called to shovel them out of the snow. The Turkey's we gave away to ANYONE who was in need didn't get rejected because of color. The meals we regularly purchased to feed the homeless never had color associated to them.

    Only a DESPERATE man who can't run on his 4 year record would say such a thing and Mary Ashonti knew that last night.

  34. Day is an ultra liberal, like Ireton. Heath is another buffoon, of the Dream Team (Cathcart, Comegys, Dunn) type.

  35. Which anti-Cambell candidate is being promoted by SAPOA?

  36. "Anonymous said...
    Why are white people discussing NAACP issues, 10:18? You know how white people are, just because they don't know about a topic never stops them from being experts. Ha Ha!

    January 31, 2013 at 4:51 PM"

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that when a large number of 30% of an areas population lives at or below poverty level it affects the whole area, black white or whatever 4:51. If you intend to be part of the solution than do so, but comments like yours don't help anything and are largely responsible for these types of problems. Everyone has good ideas and helpful solutions no mattter race and you don't shut someone out just because they happen to be of a different race. A wise person listens to everyone and then decides.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that is Jacob Day, Jack is not pictured.

    January 31, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    I think that previous comment was an attack on Councilwoman Campbell.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Jack Heath is a class act! He will
    receive many votes based on his business and civic knowledge.
    I don't know Mr. Day. I also
    respect Mrs. Campbell but I am
    a strong believer in term limits
    and change.

    January 31, 2013 at 2:49 PM


  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Day blew the roof off the place. I was there to see Joe (who also was strong) - but Day looked like a natural.

    January 31, 2013 at 2:54 PM

    LMBO!!! BULL!

  40. "Anonymous said...
    3:39 Why don't you just stick to what is important for the position.

    January 31, 2013 at 5:11 PM"

    A candidate's familiar status is an important issue 5:11. For alot of voters family is most important so they want someone who can identify with problems and issues facing families. If this candidate's views are representative of yours and family isn't an important issue then I wouldn't vote for him if someone paid me.

  41. Exactly-Knowing if a candidate has "roots" in the form of a family is important. One who has these roots are more likely to think ahead for the future and not want to burden our children with debt amoung other issues.
    If he is a parent does he think it should be the govenment's obligation to provide children w/entertainment in the form of (limited to some use) skate parks? Of course these are questions anyone has an opinion on but some people are intersted in an actual parents view on such things.

  42. Ugh - I'm going to support Debbie as I always have - but I was there and Jacob Day was really on fire. Not sure what others will think. He's got the vision, energy and positivity thing down. Here's hoping Debbie keeps putting out a positive message - it will work!


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