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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Push To Hike State's Minimum Wage

A new measure before state lawmakers in Annapolis could increase the minimum wage by 2015 in Maryland.

State officials say if the measure passes, it would raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 an hour.

Additionally, the measure would raise the minimum wage for tipped workers from 50 percent to 70 percent, and adjust the minimum wage annually with the cost of living, officials say.



  1. How can you live on $10 an hour?

  2. 7:46 - the question is, how ARE people currently living on $7.25/hour?

  3. What about for people working on a commision basis?

  4. The government better crank up the money machine because the only way to pay wages like that are for business to get handouts.

  5. Say hello to McDonalds $2 dollar menu.

  6. No problem. I'll just cut benefits and raise employee contributions on insurance.

  7. WOW....the county will have to raise salaries for quite a few people. I know people that have worked for the county for 8 years and make less than $10 per hour.

  8. "How can you live on $10 an hour?"

    I'll bet you scratch your pointy head and wonder why manufacturing jobs have all left the United States, don't you?

  9. And this is supposed to happen in 2015. We that live here in Maryland must be the most stupid bastards in the whole USA. Oh I forget, most here are vote Democrat. I'm moving to Delaware.

  10. There are two sides to this and it's complicated, much more than any snappy retort, but knowing a few business owners, I can tell you that this "I'll have to lay off some people", or "I'll have to increase THEIR contributions to this or that" is mostly greedy BS. These people own 2 or 3 (or more) homes, drive a Benz, send their kids to private schools, fly to Hawaii for vacation, buy their (stay at home) wives the best of jewelry (and buy their girlfriends the same stuff, too). THEN, whine about how poor they will become by paying the wait staff more than $2.75 an hour. They don't know what groceries cost (and don't really care), and make more on their stocks and investments in a year than they pay their help. Take 2 or three vacations a year. Thats okay by me --- they EARNED it. But STOP with the "I'll go out of business if I have to pay anyone a wage that leaves THEM with enough money to even go to Ocean City for the day!!!!" Got to keep the serfs down or they may end up marrying your daughter and bust up the family fortune. Do the math. $8 an hour, even full time, qualifies you for poverty assistance. Works out to about $260 a week. Salisbury slumlords (VERY rich slumlords, by the way) are charging $800-1500 a month for rent. And complaining about their "expenses". Anyone who works fulltime should NOT have to be on food stamps while you decide whether to buy another home in Florida or trade the Jag in for a limited editon 'Vette. There IS such a thing as GREED and excessive, pretentious consumption and neither one can be defended with any integrity or honesty. See you in church....

  11. lol they can raise it to 20 bucks an hour. doesn't matter when hardly anyone has a job

  12. It does not matter how many home or cars a person owns. If they work for the money they can do with it what they please. If they are forced to give there earnings back because they "have too much" why would they want to live with the stress of running the business in the first place. People who think that the rich have too much would have nothing without there hard work.

  13. Some business owners forget who helps them make the money so they can be greedy. Without good help there would not be a profit!

  14. The higher min wage goes up the more the rest of us will pay. McDonalds isn't going to keep there prices the same and make the difference from there profits there going to continue to make the same profits and pass the cost increase along to there customers. This does not solve anything. At the end of the day the person making $7.25 an hour will still only be able to afford the same things making $10.00 an hour. The lawmakers understand this but they also know the more things cost the more sales tax revenue they get. Another liberal tax on the working class.

  15. like I said, it's complicated. All I want is the wealthy to stop bitching that they are down to their last 10 million dollars and won't be able to survive if they have to pay their workers more than $7.50 and hour, because THAT is total BS.

  16. Here's the thing, no corporation is going to eat the higher wages, so look for everything from groceries to clothing to go up.

  17. Locally we've had several restaurants chains opt out of coming to SBY.At least a couple had their locations picked out and signs up indicating they would be coming soon.Might the problems in Annapolis have changed their minds?


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