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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

President Of Journal News Says “Journalists Shouldn’t Be Threatened”

The Journal News, which published the names AND addresses of 33,614 registered gun owners in two NY counties, and wanted information in order to publish more from a third, is all sorts of upset in regards to the response they received. Fortunately, the NY Times is there to provide a sob story in their defense
(NY Times) But the article, which left gun owners feeling vulnerable to harassment or break-ins, also drew outrage from across the country. Calls and e-mails grew so threatening that the paper’s president and publisher, Janet Hasson, hired armed guards to monitor the newspaper’s headquarters in White Plains and its bureau in West Nyack, N.Y.

Personal information about editors and writers at the paper has been posted online, including their home addresses and information about where their children attended school; some reporters have received notes saying they would be shot on the way to their cars; bloggers have encouraged people to steal credit card information of Journal News employees; and two packages containing white powder have been sent to the newsroom and a third to a reporter’s home (all were tested by the police and proved to be harmless).

“As journalists, we are prepared for criticism,” Ms. Hasson said, as she sat in her meticulously tended office and described the ways her 225 employees have been harassed since the article was published. “But in the U.S., journalists should not be threatened.” She has paid for staff members who do not feel safe in their homes to stay at hotels, offered guards to walk employees to their cars, encouraged employees to change their home telephone numbers and has been coordinating with the local police.


  1. if journalists don't want to be threatened, then they shouldn't incite violence against others.

  2. GOOD!!!

    I hope more things happen to the reporters... I don't like to pass on hate or wish bad things on someone but fuck it...

    They opened the door for these LAW ABIDE citizens to harm, someone can come to their home now for the sole purpose of stealing a gun...

    An eye of an eye is what I say...

    Also, if someone were to break into the home of one of these gun owners, wouldn't there then be legal grounds to sue? I mean most info published may be public rights to info however they got it from FOIA which ins't truly public... hence you having to REQUEST IT... Now they made others aware of where gun owners live and where to get these guns if a criminal wants it... And not to mention the harm that could be done to them for not being able to get the gun, you know some people actually use gun safes...

  3. They got what they deserved especially Hassan.

  4. perhaps they should run for Congress, since they apparently also believe that whats good for us doesn't (and shouldn't!) apply to them. You cannot even get clerks at the local courthouse to give you their full (or REAL !) name. They WORK for us and won't identify themselves?? Yet this newspaper thought it was fine to publish the NAMES AND ADDRESSES of citizens who had committed no crime, but merely OFFENDED the liberal sensitivities of a failing newspaper? Like politicians, they lost the fear of "consequences" for their actions. Now, start publishing the names, addresses, and personal info of every member of Congress, the Supreme Court, Cabinet members, etc. It might serve to move things along a bit quicker....

  5. Then tell the truth

  6. I agree with everyone else. No pity here. What comes around goes around.


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