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Sunday, January 20, 2013


For the first time in a long time--perhaps ever--Americans are pointing the finger of blame at absentee parents and Hollywood productions instead of law-abiding gun owners.

As a new poll conducted by NBC/Wall Street Journal reveals, 83 percent of Americans say that parents who "don't pay enough attention to what's going on in their kids lives" share "a great deal" of responsibility for shootings like those at the Aurora theater, Sandy Hook Elementary, and Tuscon, AZ.

Moreover, the same poll shows that 62 percent of Americans believe that movies and television programs that portray violence in an appealing way share a large portion of the blame as well.



  1. Of course tragedies such as Sandy Hook are a cultural/societal problem such as lack of moral parental guidance and desensitization to violence. Add to that the drugging of children common place in public schools. It's not rocket science unless of course you've been "educated" by the public school system where thinking isn't allowed.
    Any other reason for this such as firearms defies common sense. Firearms have been a part of American's culture since it's inception and for 200+ years school shooting were unheard of. Not too mention the cites such as Wash DC and Chicago w/the strictest gun laws happen to have the highest gun violence.
    The bunch of "intellects" that blame firearms need to start explaining that fact.

  2. I watched the football games yesterday. While the games themselves were a form of violence, the commercials were unbelievably horrible with the sheer horror and intense violence that would make any combat veteran cringe. How many young people were watching this?? I can see how this would affect a young mind. Inexcusable!!

  3. yeah,,blame someone else for your lack of parenting skills! such a democratic move!

  4. For real 9:36. It's politically incorrect to tell people the way it is. They'll get offended so it's blame an object. It's the liberal democratic way to deny responsibility of the people and the followers hold to it like gospel and think the gov't will fix it for them.
    Yeah and the gov't fixed it already-Yes just look at not only DC but Chicago and any other city in the nation.

  5. On the subject of the game commercials, what kind of sub-human, warped, sadistic person would show three young men "kneeing" each other in the groin while the girls stand around and giggle?? Guess what the kids learned from that.....

  6. Figures like these show me just how out of touch lawmakers are with mainstream America.

  7. it is taught that there is an age where children become able to distinguish between fact and fiction..real or fairytale. Now that children are being raised by the omnipresent flatscrean babysitter (wall mounted and hand held) it is a wonder that some children are able to make the reality distinction at a proper time or (for some)..at all. Proper parenting takes far more time and effort than what is going on in most households today sadly.


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