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Wednesday, January 16, 2013


CNN’s Piers Morgan confirmed Ben Shapiro’s skepticism about whether tonight’s “debate” on gun control would be “balanced.” The Breitbart Editor-at-Large accepted an invitation to appear on Morgan’s show for a rematch, then turned down the offer when it became clear Morgan planned to turn his “town hall” into a propaganda rally. Morgan then offered Shapiro two one-on-one segments, and the debate back on was on.

As fate would have it, Shapiro’s flight from Los Angeles to New York was grounded in Denver due to an unruly passenger (without a gun). Ben arrived at the CNN studio too late to participate in the debate--but all he missed was the spectacle of Piers Morgan browbeating a black conservative and a woman from the Tea Party in front of his anti-gun guests and to the enthusiastic cheers of the hopelessly stacked studio audience.

This is “debate” in the same way that communist dictatorships practice “democracy.” There’s an opposition present, of course, but the better they are--and the Tea Party's Scottie N. Hughes was particularly good--the more it proves their guilt. At the end, Piers turned to family members of murder victims for their verdict. They choked back tears as they accosted the two Second Amendment defenders: how dare they fail to capitulate!



  1. Scottie Hughes was stupid and crazy with her remarks...please don't be telling me what I watched with your opinion and that I should agree with you...not gonna happen.

  2. Scottie, proved all the points Piers was making. She was the best example of a low information (fox news, Limbaugh, Hannity follower) teabagger nut case I have ever seen.

  3. I suport the second amendment.

  4. "(fox news, Limbaugh, Hannity "
    Low information teabagger's?"

    Ha Ha! Like the welfare crowd baby momma crackheads are better educated?
    Geez, even college graduates today know nothing but progressive propaganda.
    (10:48 better look that one up)

  5. To listen at any forum other than FOX will be slanted to the left.

  6. During the interview,did Piers ask Scottie if she had ever been properly shot at?

  7. Piers is the poster child for these anti gun, anti 2nd amendment, anti freedom people we have in this country.

    You can show him/them the facts. You can disprove their lies. You can do everything you can to prove them wrong.

    They just won't listen.

    Leave them to their folly.

    Do what you know to be true. Do what you know to be right. Do what you know to be your rights, what is just, what is good and what our ancestors died for!

    Have we fallen that far? Have we sunk that low? Have we become that lazy? That naive?

    The time for action is upon us. We can continue to talk, but what good does it do if they won't listen?

    We can continue to quote the constitution, the law, but what good does it do if they ignore them?

    We can show them examples. We can cite them historical events, and the things that led up to them. What good does it do if they don't believe?

    Someone has said a line has been drawn in the sand.

    They are correct.

    They is a line that has been drawn. And each of us has to decide which side of that line we will stand.

    We can choose to be free. Or we can choose to be shackled.

    These are evil times we live in. Things are afoot to make us slaves, to our own government!

    You can choose to continue to believe their lies and be led into slavery.

    Or you can choose to be free.

    You cannot stop killings by disarming the population. A part of that population will NEVER be unarmed.

    If you can't fight back, you will die.

    I would rather die fighting for my freedom, for what I believe in, than die for some man's law.

    That isn't a law.

    I have made my choice.

    Now, you must make yours.

  8. Hey 3:16, have another cup of coffee. Jeez, you really need to come down off the ledge.

  9. Hey 3:16, have another cup of coffee. Jeez, you really need to come down off the ledge.

    January 16, 2013 at 3:57 PM

    And you really need to get serious and start using your head to some some critical thinking.

    If you are one of the fools I mentioned I will leave you to your folly.

    Humorous snippets are fine for the high school bathroom but we really need to become responsible for ourselves again.

    To use modern slang, the shit is about to get real.


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