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Monday, January 28, 2013

Openly Gay, and Openly Welcomed in Congress

WASHINGTON — When Mark Takano ran unsuccessfully for Congress twice in the early 1990s, his opponents tried to smear him as a “homosexual liberal” and a “nutzoid.” One of them even hadpink fliers printed that asked, “A Congressman for Riverside ... Or San Francisco?” 

 When he ran again last year, he won by almost 20 points. “Flash forward 18 years,” Mr. Takano said recently, “and the very macho building tradesmen are behind me. I’m getting pictures with them in their hard hats.” 

 For decades, the words “gay” and “Congress” were usually seen together only in stories of scandal and shame: an arrest after an illicit proposition in an airport bathroom, accusations of trawling for sex on a phone service. When Gerry E. Studdscame out 30 years ago, the first congressman to do so, it was only after an affair with a 17-year-old Congressional page was revealed.



  1. Openly morally deficient.

  2. California is very open-minded about cultural diversity. The only requirement to be elected (or serve on a jury) is to be a goofball Democrat.

  3. Thanks God those that think like 9:01 are becoming more and more the minority. Hopefully soon enough thay will be extinct.

  4. Not the minority at all. You can keep thinking that and trying to sell it to people but homo's and sympathizer's are not anywhere close to a majority. No extinction here...
    I sleep with women and make babies like nature intended. Anything else is selfish, morally corrupt and completely against natural law 10:51.

    The homosexuals will be extinct soon enough if we stop them from recruiting our children.

  5. I agree with 11:07. 10:51's comment is irrational wishful thinking.

    Thank GOD that homosexuals are NOT the majority. Just think - if everyone thought disgusting and immoral thoughts and performed unnatural and horrific sexual acts as homosexuals do, then all men would marry men and all women women would marry women and the human race on earth would be EXTINCT in less than 100 years!

  6. God made Adam and made Eve from his rib, HE did not make Steve to be his partner!!

  7. Didn't say gays were in the majority, said tolerant thoughtful people are in the majority.

  8. We normal people do not have to tolerate wrong.
    "Tolerance is just accepting that which is wrong.

  9. 11:47 Correct. God made Adam and made Eve from one of his ribs. Ribs are a cheaper cut of meat. Look at Hillary Clinton. Proves my point.

  10. Ribs are a cheaper cut of meat. Look at Hillary Clinton. Proves my point.

    January 28, 2013 at 4:10 PM

    Ok Archie Bunker


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