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Thursday, January 17, 2013

O'Malley Budget Leaves Out Funding For Youth Jail; Alternative To Be Unveiled

A proposed Youth Detention Center to house juveniles charged as adults in Baltimore City appears to have been scrubbed.

The budget unveiled Wednesday by Governor Martin O'Malley does not include funding for the $70-million, 120 bed project that had been backed by the governor.

Instead state officials have come up with an alternative.

Baltimore City Delegate Curt Anderson, who chairs the Baltimore City Delegation in the House of Delegates told WBAL News that state officials will make renovations to an existing juvenile detention facility and build a treatment center for juvenile offenders.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, let me get this straight. Take away guns from law abiding citizens but let violent youth out on the street?

    Must be a liberal thing.


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