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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Officials Lower Turnout Projection For Inauguration

District of Columbia officials have lowered their turnout estimate for Monday's presidential inauguration.

The district's homeland security director, Chris Geldart, said Sunday that officials now expect between 500,000 and 700,000 people to attend. That's fewer than the 600,000 to 800,000 people initially anticipated.

The estimates are based in part on the number of charter buses arriving in the city, as well as the number of hotel and restaurant reservations.



  1. I would not go if you paid me,Obama is dividing this Great Nation

  2. The supporters of the 2nd amendment should have went, and had a few misfires.

    Maybe then he would get the message.

  3. When Crist was born the sheperds came. When Obamaaaaa was Inaugurated all the sheep came.

  4. Be nice if nobody showed...

  5. I think they were giving out free obama phones.

  6. Be nice if nobody showed...

    January 20, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    That too....

  7. Just like the American public keeps LOWERING it's standards for Presidential character, ethic's and morality.

  8. 7:01, you are vile.

  9. Was still 2 times the turnout than for either George W Bush's or Bill Clinton's 2nd inaugurals. Like it or not it's history and one day Obama's birthday will be a federal holiday. Just the way it is.


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