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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama Urges New Restrictions On Assault Weapons, Magazines As Part Of Gun Control Plan

President Obama called Wednesday for a new and tougher assault-weapons ban and a 10-round limit on magazines, as part of a comprehensive plan to curb gun violence that includes 23 steps he took without congressional action.

Already facing stiff opposition from gun-rights advocates and Republican lawmakers, the president called on Congress to pass several major changes to the country's current gun laws -- some of which are already being considered like the restrictions on semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Obama called as well for legislation to bar the possession and importation of armor-piercing bullets and to require criminal background checks for nearly all gun sales. The president, speaking at the White House, said he would use "whatever weight this office holds" to get the proposals passed.

"If there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try," Obama said. "When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us, we must act now. ... Let's do the right thing." 


  1. criminals all over the country are rubbing their hands together, reveling in the prospect of all the potential victims, one step closer to being completely disarmed...

    our president is feckless

  2. Sandy hook hoax look it up.

  3. I agree with 1:52. I watched at video called Sandyhook uncovered. Some of it was easily explained....other parts will really make you think.

  4. Wow, enter the tinfoil hat crew.

  5. I am certain that people that think Sandyhook was a hoax are simply unable to think. WAY past tinfoil hats.

  6. April 19, 1775...look it up folksJanuary 16, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    Obama organized the Sandy Hook crime so he could enact confiscation of Arms. The Bill of Rights is not up for CNN Polls or popular opinion.

    Our Forefathers saw idiots like Obama in the Future of this Country.

  7. Boy that assault weapon ban and ban on high capacity mags did wonders. Remember Columbine? Exactly.

  8. 2:06 did you watch it or do you just belive everything CNN tells you. I know it takes to much time to Google it and to think for yourself.

  9. Wow, enter the tinfoil hat crew.

    January 16, 2013 at 2:06 PM

    Stop the name calling and just think for yourself.

    This country is just full of stupid people. And cowards. And sheep.

    Thankfully, it is also full of smart people. And brave patriots. And leaders.

    Which one will you be?


  10. i'm sure this little tidbit of info doesn't penetrate the thick skulled sheeple that graze here, but the Sandy Hook nutjob DID NOT use an evil assault rifle.

    hence why your dunderheaded emperor didnt mention Sandy Hook and instead talked of Aurora

  11. Looks like many of the Albero voters are highly intelligent.

  12. Gun Reform
    Do you support President Obama's proposed gun reforms?

    Yes 28%
    No 70%

  13. OH them tinfoil folk might be proved right in say 40 years. Just like those tinfoil people back in the day saying tonkin gulf was a false flag hoax.

  14. Ah. The "if we can save just one life" BS. If so, then its worth cancelling the Bill of Rights and suspending any pretense of adherence to our Constitution. Yep. Thats the ticket. The same reasoning used in the "war on terror" right here in our "land of the free". Warrantless searches, SECRET warantless searches, "detainment" (no habeus corpus necessary or allowed), "checkpoints", secret prisons and trials, unprecedented surveillance, jailing of reporters, and who knows what else. THAT ain't "tin-foil hat" stuff, son. Those are the facts. Now, give your best reasoning to JUSTIFY any of it...or reconcile any of it under our Constitution. I'll wait...

  15. Still waiting, you boot licking idiots. And while you are "thinking" (I use that term in the most liberal sense of the word, like an amoeba "thinks"), justify the purchase of 1.5 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammo by an organization created to (don't laugh) provide security INSIDE the United States. Go ahead. I'm listening....


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