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Monday, January 28, 2013


In a sycophantic interview with The New Republic, conducted by former campaign staffer Chris Hughes and leftist writer Franklin Foer, President Obama suggested that he had all the answers to the pressing issues facing America and therefore no compromise was necessary with Republicans. He added that Republicans should compromise. And if those Republicans don’t compromise, Obama suggested that the fault would lie at the feet of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh – and that the calculus had to be changed to force Fox News and Limbaugh to stop holding Republicans accountable to conservatism.

Here’s Obama on how he’s going to fix the country:

The truth is that most of the big issues that are going to make a difference in the life of this country for the next thirty or forty years are complicated and require tough decisions, but are not rocket science. We know that to fix our economy, we've got to make sure: that we have the most competitive workforce in the world, that we have a better education system, that we are investing in research and development, that we've got world-class infrastructure, that we're reducing our health care costs, and that we're expanding our exports. On issues like immigration, we have a pretty good sense of what's broken in the system and how to fix it. On climate change, it's a daunting task. But we know what releases carbon into the atmosphere, and we have tools right now that would start scaling that back, although we'd still need some big technological breakthrough. So the question is not, Do we have policies that might work? It is, Can we mobilize the political will to act?


  1. WTF but its ok to have one sided CNN and MSNBC Spews?

  2. So Obummer is saying he should be a dictator.

  3. This is all well and good except for the fact that so far all of Obama's policies have been proven to be profound failures costing the US and more importantly tax payers billions.
    There has to be someone like the Republicans who call out greenhorns like Obama and the Democrats controlled by big business, corporations and special interest, and hold them accountable.

  4. he says the right things, then doesn't do the right things. how are health care costs being reduced? not with obamacare, that's for sure. our economy needs to be fixed, but that can't be done is the companies are being forced to take the jobs out of the country due to taxation and cheaper work force. the educational system has some definite problems, educators that can't talk properly, can't spell, and are there just to collect a paycheck. immigration? there are loads of laws on the books already; if they were enforced we wouldn't have the problems we have now; it seems each congress comes up with some new law, use the ones already in place. none of them know where to find the laws that are already in place. just like none of them have read the Constitution in their entire life. So sad. American is in the shape it is because of the idiots in power and I'M not blaming it on one party or the other, they are all guilty!!

  5. "research and developement?" You mean like the massive amounts of fraudulent and false claims which costs the fed govenment billions in fed grant money for so called research and developement projects? That's where Obama should start by weeding out and combating the fraud. He'll never do that though. Too many of his corporate bosses are involved.

  6. The man is dangerous and this country has elected a communist.

  7. Threatens?? Not a threat just the truth. Sour grapes making whine.

  8. This nut must go! I say buy him a one-way ticket with his family back to his native country.

  9. I wish someone would name one thing that Obama's done that was a success. The usual excuse for Obama's incompetence is that it's the Republican's fault and they are blocking everything and anything which is a lie. The first 2 years of Obama's first term both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats and they passed without question all of Obama's agenda which proved to have failed miserably.

  10. 4:58 you said it better than I could

  11. He said, "... But we know what releases carbon into the atmosphere, and we have tools right now that would start scaling that back..."

    Every time he exhales, he is releasing carbon dioxide into the air. Simple solution: Stop breathing!

  12. Amen 7:50. I have said for the last year that the only way to save this country is for this communist to stop breathing (it you know what I mean). I won't go into to anymore detail on how I would like to see his breathing stopped.

  13. 7:50 watch what you say buddy.

  14. Federal offense.

    January 28, 2013 at 9:37 PM

    I don't think so. It could be described as a suggestion not a threat. I'm no lawyer but I would think you would have to show malice and criminal threat.

  15. what do you think "stop breathing"means it is a threat, just watch what you say.


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