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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Obama Scores Win With Debt Ceiling Vote

House Speaker John Boehner's decision to hold a debt ceiling vote next week without insisting upon matching spending cuts marks a clear political victory for President Barack Obama who has been pushing hard for Congress to raise the limit without debate, congressional insiders say.

The House Republican leader had been insisting upon dollar-for-dollar spending cuts to pair with any debt ceiling increase earlier this month. But following a soul-searching retreat with his unruly and divided caucus, Boehner did an about face by saying he will hold a vote on a three-month extension of the debt ceiling next week. But he added he would push for ways to make Senate Democrats pass a budget, something they haven't done in years.

"Avoiding a fight, even if for three months, certainly helps the president who is going to face substantial push back from Republicans on other issues, like gun control," says one former Senate Republican aide, who adds that public opinion polling is a key factor in Boehner's change of heart.



  1. Nice legs on the lady on the right. Too bad we can't see the rest of her.

  2. coward stand your ground.

  3. What's up with the chick with the legs on the right?

  4. Members of Congress really have misplaced priorities. They are all worked up over a few trillion dollars and completely ignoring that fabulous set of legs right in front of them.

  5. Righteous Indignation Nullifies Obama

    Stick that in your RINO!

  6. I don't know if democrats are massively stupid, just plain evil, or a combination of both. I do know that the republicans have become spineless and impotent. Screw compromise. We desperately need a viable third party to fight these bastards.

    Oh yeah - fine pair of pins there.


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