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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

NY Times Writer Demonizes People With Depression, Wants Their Right To A Gun Taken Away

This is what I was writing about when I mentioned that dealing with gun restrictions on people with mental health issues is a slippery slope. Here comes Wendy Burton, form far left political speech writer, who starts off with a long missive about how some drunk was looking to break into her home, so she called the police, who came and took the drunk away, then
(NY Times) I considered buying a gun. The threat of violence rattles you like that. What rolled round my head after that dark morning was: what if I hadn’t heard the noise, what if it’s different next time? While I held that chair with all of my strength, I wished that I had had a gun because if he had gotten in, then I could have pointed it at him, maybe deterred him and if necessary pulled the trigger.

So I looked at guns. Some had mother-of-pearl handles and looked like something Mae West would use in a movie. Others were Glocks, shotguns and rifles. I had gone as far as to dial the number of the Metropolitan Police Department’s firearms registration division and begin the process. Then I stopped and put my BlackBerry down.

I remembered who I am.

I am one of the millions of people in this country who live with depression. I knew that in the gun registration form there would be a version of this question: Have you ever voluntarily or involuntarily been committed to a hospital? The answer is yes — voluntarily. But because my hospitalization was years earlier and I wasn’t in treatment at the time, I could have gotten a gun.



  1. BOO HOO
    The emotionally disabled and intellectually inferior and people that cannot cope
    Don't need guns
    They get buy plenty with excuses

  2. Just another restriction tactic.

    Depressed people are more likely to shoot themselves than anyone else.

    And truly crazy people will pick up a baseball bat and kill with that so they can be up close and personal.

    They like to scare us with all these scenario's that are not likely to happen, just to get your guns and your ability to buy guns.

    I'm sure someone can recite a circumstance or two that would warrant such a restriction. But that would be the exception rather than the rule.

    This country is dying and there are certain people who would help it along and accelerate it in hopes of being safe and letting government get bigger and bigger to take care of them.

    These people have it backwards. We need LESS government and MORE guns.

    They often cite the 'wild west days' in their arguments.

    While I find that unlikely to happen, even if it did, so what?

    We got a wild west atmosphere anyway. But now they want to disarm the townspeople instead of the wild west people.

    That probably could be illustrated better but I'm in a hurry.

    People, wake up, do your own thinking, and realize government is NOT your best friend.

    They are more and more becoming our enemy.

  3. I've said it before and look now--- they cannot repeal the 2nd Amendment because there would be a huge outcry and civil insurrection. BUT, they CAN find a million and one reasons that you can't buy or possess a gun. And its happening every day. Keep cheering. You think the 2nd Amendment is where they will stop? Then I'll bet you believe in the tooth fairy, too. ONE thing I'm sure you DON'T believe is that the government SERVES us and not the other way around....

  4. If every depressed person should'nt buy a gun then the gun manufactures better get ready to go out of business since the re-election of Pres Obummer and VP Baffoon.

  5. 11:02 pm. in the Wild West, it was WE, the CITIZENS who all carried guns, as well as the criminals. That's what kept the even playing field!!!! Now, only the criminals have the guns. Can't that thought enter your mind? I mean, how hard do you try to be stupid every day?

  6. 11:02 pm. in the Wild West, it was WE, the CITIZENS who all carried guns, as well as the criminals. That's what kept the even playing field!!!! Now, only the criminals have the guns. Can't that thought enter your mind? I mean, how hard do you try to be stupid every day?

    January 23, 2013 at 6:05 PM

    Go read what I posted again, this time with your glasses on.

    Obviously you cannot comprehend well or you wouldn't call me stupid.

    Unless of course you were referring to yourself.

  7. January 23, 2013 at 6:05 PM

    If you can't understand what I said, I sincerely hope YOU don't have weapons.

  8. 11:02 pm. in the Wild West, it was WE, the CITIZENS who all carried guns, as well as the criminals. That's what kept the even playing field!!!! Now, only the criminals have the guns. Can't that thought enter your mind? I mean, how hard do you try to be stupid every day?

    January 23, 2013 at 6:05 PM

    We got a wild west atmosphere anyway. But now they want to disarm the townspeople instead of the wild west people.

    Which part of that did you not understand?

    I see you don't have to try hard at all!


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