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Saturday, January 26, 2013

NRA Boycott Kills Outdoors Show That Banned Assault Weapons

A massive boycott backed by the NRA and outdoorsmen and women outraged that the nation's largest outdoors show banned the exhibition of assault weapons has caused the show's organizers to abruptly cancel the week-long event in Harrisburg, Pa.

The successful boycott, started by the website mynortheastoutdoors.com, was the biggest demonstration of support by the outdoors industry yet against gun control efforts being pushed in Washington and in several states.

"Reed Exhibitions has decided to postpone, for now, the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show given the controversy surrounding its decision to limit the sale or display of modern sporting rifles (also called ARs) at the event. The show was scheduled to take place February 2-10 in Harrisburg, Pa.," the organizer said in a statement Thursday.

Editors Note: This explains the situation a little better than our earlier post.


  1. So REED has decided to abandon the Second Amendment after 40+ years of supporting it? Time to take over and make a new location by an entrepreneur ready to make tons of money! I really don't want chicken$hits running my gun shows!

  2. 7:01
    I would love for an American Company to make that ton of money since these yahoos don't seem to want to hurt anyones feelings.


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