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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mikulski Seeks Executive Order On Pay Equality

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski is calling on the Obama administration to prohibit federal contractors from retaliating against employees who discuss salaries -- a new twist on a key provision of the pay equality legislation the Maryland Democrat has sought for years.

In a letter to the White House on Tuesday, Mikulski argued that President Obama should sign an executive order baring contractors from firing employees who disclose their own pay or inquire about another employee's salary.

Mikulski has sponsored legislation, the Paycheck Fairness Act, that would put that prohibition in place for all employers. But the measure fell seven votes shy of the 60 needed to bring it to the Senate floor last year amid a charged presidential election in which women voters were courted by both Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney. 



  1. Speaking of nitwits. I can't believe anyone would vote in a nitwit like Mikulski

  2. A midget nitwit at that!

  3. She and our other nitwit Senator are both co-sponsors of Feinstein's abortion of our 2nd Amendment from it's mother document. I quite think that traitor is an equally prudent descriptor.


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