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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Meanest Mom Ever?


  1. That's great! We need more parents like that!

  2. Good for her. I think she did the right thing. When he gets older he will thank her for saving his life.

  3. It's not only good parenting, it's covering her own rear end as he is a minor and she's still responsible for what he does. Good for her.

  4. 1219. when do they hold parents accountable? not here in MD

  5. I don't think she's mean at all, she absolutely did the right thing. Wish there were more parents like her

  6. AND later he will blame her for his alcohol problem...young men need to grow up sooner or later. Better sooner.

  7. Those damn consequences. The ACLU is gearing up as we speak to start a campaign to take her kids because it wasn't the boy's fault and she is too hard on him. Ok the last part I made up, but its not far from the realm of possibility...


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