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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Md. Gun Show: Long Lines, Short Supplies, 'Get 'Em Before They're Gone' Desperation

I took a ride up to Frederick, Maryland this weekend to meet a friend at the Fairgrounds for the gun show. What we found was similar to what gun shows and gun dealers are experiencing across the nation: lines and limited supplies.

AR15's were scarce as were most guns. Ammunition was limited and prices were inflated. The lines were long to get in and the tables were packed.

Gun enthusiasts were buying whatever ammo was available. Magazines were flying out of dealers' hands.



  1. There's a war a coming, and it won't be across the pond, it will be here in the streets and neighborhoods of America, why do you think the verious departments of government have purchased millions of rounds of ammo, they know it too. The average American citizen won't be peacfully lead off to a "Re-education" camp or so called "Shower", like in Nazi Germany, most people know full well that the US Government lies and it kills those that don't follow it's orders. Wake up and arm yourself before it's too late, they will be coming to your town!

  2. OMG are you for realJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:18 PM

    HA HA, they just bought 2 million rounds to try to get me out of my home...guess they never heard of Bleach and other chemicals...shoooo, do not tell them those are trip lines in my yard...


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