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Monday, January 21, 2013

McDonald’s Settles Lawsuit Over Islamic Diet Rules

DEARBORN, Mich. — McDonald’s Corp. and a franchise owner have reached a tentative settlement in a lawsuit alleging that food at a Detroit-area restaurant wasn’t prepared according to Islamic dietary laws as advertised.

McDonald’s and Finley’s Management Co. have agreed to pay $700,000. The money will be shared by Dearborn Heights resident Ahmed Ahmed, a Detroit health clinic, the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn and lawyers.



  1. How SURREAL that a McDonald’s in the United States must cater to Islamic dietary requirements!

    Can you imagine the dire consequences an American would face if an Islamic restaurant did not cater to their American dietary requirements in a Middle Eastern county!?

  2. Does anything comply with Islamic anything in USA

  3. This is wrong tell them to go back home and take there dum a**DR /lawyer with them

  4. Too many of them already "back home".That's why they are here in droves.Home does'nt want them back.Can you blame them?

  5. America was founded by our Founding Fathers and is a country based on America principles, not based on Muslim's rules.
    Just read the following stats below from 2 years ago, which is may pose a problems in the near future that Americans should be VERY concerned about:

    "Data released Tuesday from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000."

  6. They are not dumb. Since blowing things up isn't working anymore, they will destroy the US from within.

  7. 11:40 presents a VERY valid point that Americans should be VERY concerned about.
    Many people are naive & ignorant and believe they are "peaceful" U.S. citizens. That may be true about most, but NOT all of their people. WAKE UP AMERICANS!
    For those who have not read the book “The Harbinger”, I STRONGLY recommend you buy a copy and do so. America has dug itself in a very DEEP hole in recent years, and if we don’t dig ourselves out and change our ways - unfortunately our country’s doom is imminent.

  8. This crap should be thrown out of any court & the attorney should be disbarred for bringing such a STUPID case to start with. You want Arab prepared food...go back home.

  9. I would say this is the fault of McDonald's Corp. for caving in and settling the lawsuit rather than taking it to court. Unless there is more to the story. I have never been in a McDonald's that advertised that they met strict Islamic dietary laws, however, this article does state that food wasn't prepared according to Islamic dietary laws "as advertised." Now if McDonald's is advertising that they follow those strict Islamic laws then they should be held liable if they don't. It is called truth in advertising. If they did not advertise it--then they should never have settled and I can't see a court in America holding an American Company liable for not meeting "Islamic" laws. We are not on "Islamic" lands.

  10. Just out of curiousity I would like to know the ethnicity of the owner.


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