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Monday, January 28, 2013

Maryland Lawmakers Aim To Bolster Baltimore-Area Economy

A work group of members from the state’s House of Delegates has been created to brainstorm ways to improve the Baltimore area’s economy.

The group, announced Friday by House Speaker Michael E. Busch, D-Anne Arundel, will look at things such as education, transportation and increasing partnerships between state and local governments.

Del. Keiffer Mitchell Jr., D-Baltimore, will chair the work group, all of whose members were chosen because they have experience in developing regional growth, Busch said.



  1. This is the same idiot that wants to raise the gas tax...now i know were that money would go, to help there own, and screw the eastern shore.

  2. Ok Busch. If you want to improve the economy of Baltimore, stop welfare payments to those people who can work but make more money if they don't. Excuse me because maybe you will have to go out and find a real job. Just another liberal Democrat that has no clue of life is about out in the real world.

  3. cut taxes you idiot. make that area and entire state business friendly. cut regs. drug test the "takers" and much more. if i can come up with these thoughts; surley you can.

  4. 10:07 That won't happen. You must understand, he is one of the TAKERS. Has been for years, that's why he always votes for higher taxes and more spending. The reason he is there is because the people that vote for him share his same views. People like Geoff, what's-his-face from Hebron.

  5. 10:31 you are right that idiot from Hebron has taught liberal lies all his life,its a dam shame how may students minds his has poisoned.

  6. I realize that I'm not some sort of economic brainiac politician. But here's an idea from a simple mind - CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE LOCATING YOUR BUSINESS IN BALTIMORE MAKES SENSE. There's no need to form partnerships or create special incentives. Lower taxes on income, employer costs, and relax zoning regulations. People will realize the opportunity and appear with businesses on their own.

  7. How 'bout bolstering the eastern shore's plummeting economy while your at it buddy!

  8. These A wipes don't care.


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