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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kindergartner Suspended for Threatening to Shoot Classmate With ‘Hello Kitty’ Bubble Gun

The family of a kindergarten student in Northumberland County is thinking about filing a lawsuit after their five-year-old was suspended from school. The family’s attorney says she was suspended because she threatened to shoot herself and a classmate with a Hello Kitty bubble gun.

A pink Hello Kitty bubble gun is the reason a five-year-old girl was suspended from kindergarten at Mount Carmel Area Elementary School. Her family’s attorney says she was at her school bus stop last week when she told a classmate she was going to shoot her and herself with the bubble gun…a gun she did not have with her. People in the community can’t believe it.

“It’s just bubbles. It can’t harm anybody. It’s not hard and won’t puncture anything or harm anybody in any way,” Kayla Nash of Shamokin said.



  1. Let's give her the death penalty! If ever there was a reason to have it, this epitomizes it! I think a public beheading at the school assembly with all the parents there would be the perfect venue.
    The parents could then bring their own handguns and blow away the idiot school officials and the bus driver who even considered making this an issue!

  2. What people are not getting here is the fact that she threatened to shoot herself and the other child with a gun. She did not have the bubblegun with her so it wasn't a matter of getting shot with bubbles. You have to look at it from the other child's point of view. He was standing at the bus stop and another child walked up and threatened to shoot him and then shoot herself.

    Yes - it would have been totally different if she was holding a big PINK gun with Hello Kitty on it. Yes, it would have been totally different if he knew it shoot out bubbles. BUT all he knew was that this person just threatened to shoot him - very soon after the school shootings in Cn.

    and - yes - I do think that ten days was WAY too much of a punishment. And I do NOT agree with any school official spending 3 hours questioning a child with out their parent there.

    OK _ Bring on the haters!!

  3. think about how much of a better world it would be if they closed up all public schools..and let the parents educate and raise their children the right way! sending a child to public school is like sending a child to prison.

    1. I agree with your idea. Now try getting people to stay home and raise their own kids instead of chasing the almighty dollar. Listen to some of these young parents, you would think their world came to an end when they gave birth. They work just so they can pay daycare to raise their children for them. Anyone that goes to work and pays out more than half their income to daycare, should just stay home and do their real job or quit having kids.

  4. If anyone in the world completely understands that bubbles are not only totally harmless, but are lots of fun and are a way to share fun and love with other friends, it's a 5 year old! And we have adults in charge of educating or children demonizing this? They should be sued, fired, and never allowed on school grounds or be allowed contact of any children for life.

  5. This is getting right down stupid. Give the liberal Democrats a few more years and all baseball and football players will be wearing bedroom slippers to play in because the cleats on their shoes might injure someone.

  6. Suspension is so over the top, whatever happened to explaining things to children? I am sure this five year old did not understand exactly what she was saying. Explanations go further than confusion.

  7. "OK _ Bring on the haters!!"

    Martyr much?

  8. Just about everyone I know (one became the State's Attorney in Charles County - Rudy Carrico) played Army, cops and robbers, and cowboys and Indians. NONE of them grew up to become criminals, murderers, or felons. They did grow up to become successful and happy. We had BB gun battles, and most of us had a shotgun when we were just 12-13 years old. Our parents (plural) did not freak out because we said "I shot you FIRST!! You're dead!". We rode bikes without helmets and never died, never wore seat belts, and rode (standing up) in the back of pick-up truck. We are ALL still alive. Now, we raise sissies who can't even play imaginary games without girlie men and freaked out women losing their grip on reality. Soon, our kids will jump from fright when the sun comes out and they see their own shadow. Their parents already do....

  9. Why are people tolorating these libtard indoctrination attempts.
    This school administrator needs a carpet party.

  10. put her in the same cell as murderers!

  11. Its a good thing the NRA hasn't trained up and armed the teachers yet. With this brilliance the child would never see their trial date. They'll have to pry the cold plastic from the tiny cold dead fingers. God Bless The USA


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