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Monday, January 28, 2013

It's Fixed

You know what, I decided this morning much like I did deciding to run for Mayor, fix it and stop complaining. So I shoveled the south side of the entire Plaza from Division Street to Market Street. There, done. 


  1. Jezus, Joe...don't push yourself to a heart attack before the election!

  2. Good thing you got out there early. Another hour or two with the rain and rising temps, there would be nothing left to shovel.

  3. anonymous 10:00, the sleet was coming down too hard to let those people coming to work in danger.

  4. Joe you are the man..a heart as big as the moon. I would come help you if I knew where and when. I shovel my sidewalk and I would come help you too. I turn 67 today and a Mom.
    Thanks Joe. You will make a great mayor.

  5. Maybe Jim will do the NORTH side.

  6. You're a good man, Joe. Good luck with the election. Wish I could vote for you but I live out of the area.

  7. Joe, first, thank you for doing that. But I look at that picture and it tells me that this is exactly what is wrong with downtown Salisbury. Many of those businesses are M-F 9-5 (or less) offices, so they do nothing about their responsibility to clear their walks 4 or 6 feet or whatever from the front of their buildings on weekends. Or even weekdays from the way it looked this time.

    Everyone else in the whole city has to clear the public walkways adjacent to their business or home, so why not these businesses?

    Aside from this irresponsible behavior as property owners, the real issue is, this explains why downtown is dead. You have too many 9-5 weekday offices and very few arts, food, entertainment or retail. As long as most of downtown is lawyer and government offices, health clinics and financial offices, what is the reason to come and stay and look around? If you do come, then plan on slipping and falling because most businesses down there don't care enough to make a path to their door. Then I'm not going to beat one to them either.

  8. That is the way to set an example!

  9. You missed a spot.That's OK,I'm going to get a haircut today.I'll take my snow shovel with me& take care of it.But for the most part you did a good job.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    Good thing you got out there early. Another hour or two with the rain and rising temps, there would be nothing left to shovel.

    January 28, 2013 at 10:00 AM"

    I got news for you 10:00, all my impervious surfaces around my home are a sheet of slippery slush both north and south facing. FYI-Impervious surfaces such as city sidewalks do not warm as fast as grass will and snow and ice on them take alot longer to melt.

  11. OMG! You have turned into the caped crusader!

  12. Thanks from a voter who has an app't downtown today. Great to know there is someone who cares.

  13. Think the MSM will mention this? Nice going, Joe.

  14. Joe, thank you for be willing to "take up your shovel" and help others. What a great example of a leader.

  15. I agree the other property owners should have taken care of their part. Shame on them. Good for you, Joe. Maybe next time you'll get some help.


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