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Saturday, January 26, 2013

I'm Not As Young As I Used To Be...

But I am younger than the Seniors and Handicapped and today was the most rewarding day of the entire year.

It's been a while since we've had the opportunity to see some of the same people we've taken care of in years past but today we got out there with hand shovels, (not the snow blower) and took care of those people who truly needed it most. 

I'd like to add, Public Works explained to me today that they had been out and about almost all night clearing roads and they did eventually get Downtown to clear the road through the Plaza. Glad to see the Mayor still follows Salisbury News. 

If anyone is still in a jam tomorrow don't hesitate to call. After hand shoveling eight different locations today, I'm beat and called it quits for the day. I'd like to thank my Father for helping me out today. 


  1. Watch you don't end up face down in the snow.

  2. Who's man enough to try and put me there?

  3. "You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life."

    Winston Churchill.

    This is you Joe. You are just amazing.

  4. Way to Go! Thank you for making a difference.

  5. You could have been out campaigning and chose to shovel sidewalks instead. You just got my vote Mr. Albero.

  6. Go relax and enjoy your night. You have deserved it.

  7. We saw you on Camden ave today. I told my wife you had been doing this for years. She said, I don't think I have ever heard of someone doing that anywhere else. She laughed when I said I wished I was a senior. Good work Joe.

  8. I don't live in the City but you can shovel my sidewalk anytime. LOL

    All kidding aside Joe I know you make your family proud.

  9. Glad to see Ireton is already following your directions. He may as well get used to it.
    It's amazing you are taking a leadership position and setting the example.
    Ireton wouldn't stoop so low as to use a snow shovel.
    Oh that's right , he can't shovel in the snow with heels on.

  10. Anonymous 3:01pm

    Get Off The Site!

  11. I love when it snows. I can stay on Salisbury News all day.

  12. This is the best way to lead by example. You do a fine job at being the Mayor of Salisbury.

  13. I have met Joe Albero twice and Jim Ireton twice.

    No contest.

    Joe was genuinely nice and friendly. Ireton came off like he was putting on an act.

  14. How much more hands on can a person get then
    (& everyone knows Joe's been doing this for years)

    going out and shoveling snow for those who need the help? Joe's proven to be hands on alot. He actively participates in the community by providing this blog free of charge which is a hugh service.

  15. Joe, after viewing a previous posts pictures I noticed the flower planters on the plaza.
    I think a good idea would be if residents couldn't "purchase" a planter as memorials or in honors of's. Sorta along the lines of what Ocean City does w/benches. Maybe like $30 a planter for the season w/a small plastic plaque naming the honree or the person being memorialized.

  16. Yes, Others should follow you gift of compassion!!
    Always keep that !

  17. Joe, you're really changing the old saying "Earning votes" to what it originally intended. Hats off to you. Keep it up!

  18. Anonymous said...
    I don't live in the City but you can shovel my sidewalk anytime. LOL

    All kidding aside Joe I know you make your family proud.

    January 26, 2013 at 3:38 PM


    Especially that first part.

  19. There are lots of prisoners in the county jail that should be shoveling snow for the elderly and government owned properties. They did a crime against society they should pay back society.


  20. Good job Joe! What a blessing you are to others!

  21. The way to fix Washington is to start at the bottom in places like Salisbury and work your way up. Clean up the disease at the bottom and it will grow its way to the top. Best of luck Mr Albero.

  22. I saw a Salisbury University cop doing the front of the department

  23. 6:49. the county facility is a detention center. those housed there have not been tried or convicted. many have serious mental challenges. stop being so judge mental and try getting your facts straight

  24. Joe for a staunch conservative, I must say you are quite the most compassionate conservative I've ever met. You realize that there are good souls with needs.

    Recently the homeless were run out of woods near Walmart in Fruitland. I agree they shouldn't be living there, they do leave a mess and garbage behind.

    However, it seems that every year this is done on the coldest day of the year. Many of those people have substance abuse problems, mainly alcohol because they can't afford drugs.

    This is not the time of year to declare a war on the homeless whom many have mental illness, and substance abuse in this country should be treated as a mental illness.

    Forcing them to leave the fews things in life that they have behind, and relocating to another place is not helping them or society as a whole.

    For those responcible for having them move in the coldest of times, should ask themselves, "What would Jesus do?"

  25. anonymous 9:28, Amen!

    To be quite honest with you, I Had heard they removed the homeless from that area but shame on me for forgetting just how cold it's been out there. I Need to put some thought into this problem but please know it is on my mind and I WILL find a solution.

  26. I know you will Joe, you can't do it alone, it takes a Village. Something Ireton has forgot about, what his mentor Hillary Clinton spoke of in her election campaign.

    Together we can accomplish a lot, narrow minds force those in corners they can't get out of and leave the rest behind.

  27. Why don't you let some homeless stay at your place.bet that will get you some votes.

  28. You are the Kindest Man I have ever known.

  29. anonymous 10:28, the mere fact that you hide behind anonymous in your statement tells all of our viewers a LOT about who you are or might be. You see, my guess is that your an Ireton shill.

    That being said, I have done more for the homeless than you'll ever claim to do, I just don't publicize it all here. Some I do, some I don't.

    Please, do tell every one here just what Jim Ireton has done for the homeless. Not political wise, I'm talking about him personally. I'll tell you what Ireton has done. Ireton and the Police Chief contacted ALL of the non profits I used to work with by boxing up food and delivering it to the homeless on a regular basis.

    The Chief was VERY upset that we were feeding them because she wanted them ALL to go to one shelter so they could be investigated, yet that shelter strictly enforces they be clean from alcohol and drugs. These are human beings, (hungry ones, at that) who are NOT clean. But Jimmy and Mrs. Duncan believe they are above the law and made sure every non profit that was working with me would be shut down if it continued. They threatened the health department on these non profits and the food we would even purchase came to an immediate end.

    But young Jim Ireton knows best, RIGHT? These people are hungry human beings with, (in many cases) addictions they, (for now) cannot control.

    We'll just let the citizens decide on April 2nd who is better fit to be Mayor of Salisbury.

  30. What date is the primary for the council candidates? I know it's coming up in February.

  31. If we as a country had spent as much money on mental illness as we have on "The war on drugs," the problem might not be as bad as what we see today. It's just easier to throw them under the bus and arrest them for stealing for their habit. It's the vicious circle of crime today.

  32. For the person that asked, the primary for council candidates is Tues. Feb. 26

  33. like the country song says, "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was..."

  34. Joe, keep it up. Leading by example with your your OWN time and MONEY is something that today's leadership has forgotten. Most of them want YOUR money and time so they can trumpet what they've accomplished with OTHER people's time and money. God bless and I hope you win win win over Ireton. I'd say "tear his ace up", but I'm sure that's already been done....

  35. When are the Debates.


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