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Sunday, January 20, 2013

If You Are Unemployed In These States, Move!

According to Bloomberg's rankings (based on wealth disparity, average unemployment benefits, and overall unemployment pool), and somewhat confirming the food-divide discussion we had last night [4], the following states are the worst to live in if you are unemployed. Connecticut tops the list with its massive wealth disparity - more than one $200,000 household for every household earning less than $10,000. New York, California, and D.C. are close behind with Oregon and Alabama in 19th and 20th 'worst' place to be unemployed. Welcome to the bifurcated un-recovery.


  1. WOW...Delaware is on the list. Their median income is way lower than Maryland. Guess that is why they all come to maryland to work.

  2. MARYLAND 10th Salisbury top 100 cites to live in.

  3. dem or rep governors in these states? thats the main thing! liberal dems running the states will be high unemployment, high in welfare and crime! FACT!

  4. Response 3:35 - I just love it. Most people don't understand the sarcasm - but the Salisbury elitist would have you believe that Salisbury is the top 100 cities to live in - and then the real stats come out. I agree with you - the last time this type of propaganda was encountered was under Hitler/Gooebel.

  5. 811 I was being sarcastic...lol

  6. dem or rep governors in these states? thats the main thing! liberal dems running the states will be high unemployment, high in welfare and crime! FACT!

    January 20, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    There's that 'FACT' guy again. lol


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