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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guns Don't Kill People, the Mentally Ill Do

Seung-Hui Cho, who committed the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, had been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder as a child and placed under treatment.

But Virginia Tech was prohibited from being told about Cho's mental health problems because of federal privacy laws.

At college, Cho engaged in behavior even more bizarre than the average college student. He stalked three women and, at one point, went totally silent, refusing to speak even to his roommates. He was involuntarily committed to a mental institution for one night and then unaccountably unleashed on the public, whereupon he proceeded to engage in the deadliest mass shooting by an individual in U.S. history.

The 2011 Tucson, Ariz., shopping mall shooter, Jared Loughner, was so obviously disturbed that if he'd stayed in Pima Community College long enough to make the yearbook, he would have been named "Most Likely to Commit Mass Murder."



  1. 50 years ago they would have been committed to an institution like the one in Cambridge which is now a resort. BTW, how did they get permission to build so close to the river? Hmmm...

  2. How many people can a mentally ill person kill without a gun?

  3. 10:50
    Depends how big of a bomb they can build or maybe how many people happen to be standing in the crowd as they drive through it. Taking away guns will not stop them.

  4. 10:50 I bet you got you one dem Obamie fones to.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    How many people can a mentally ill person kill without a gun?

    January 17, 2013 at 10:50 PM"

    I don't like this argument because it doesn't matter if just one person is killed it's still not acceptable. It makes me sick that the democrats are placing more value on the lives of the latest school shooting victims than on the 1000's of other murder victims in the country a year.
    It's not so much a gun issue but a societal cultural issue that needs the attention. It's disgusting that the Newtown tragedy is being used as nothing more than to pass another faction of the democratic agenda. It's been reported that many school age children a year are killed in Chicago alone and Obama's never once uttered a word about this.

  6. I'm bipolar and have never hurt anyone in my life. Thanks for the bias article.

  7. Im schizophrenic and so am I

  8. When you have mentally ill people who don't get the help they need or don't take their meds is where you run into issues.I have seen a mentally ill family member being at the edge before. For years I have seen them with severe issues from the wrong meds or not taking meds. Yes they can be very dangerous! And, if you think that PRMC will help you or the Wicomico county courts, think again. Been there done that what a joke. When they hurt or kill someone then they will step in. Just a little too late. For the person or the family who loves that person and just wants them back to the way they were. Kim

  9. This article is 100% accurate.The Colorado shooters psycatrist should have had hime committed instead of just complaining to college security. She had the authority to do it. Also, the laws make it impossible to get someone committed. They go to PRMC ER psychotic and say I dont want to go and the ER releases them. They have to hurt someone first,meaning thye have to be crimminilized to get to a psyc hospital. Jail is not treatment, nor is court. I wonder why the ones who could change these outdated laws dont. Why are we not hearing from the psyciatsists, the judges, the lawyers, the representavies and others that old laws, the judicial system and the medical community needs to step up to get this corrected?

  10. We are talking here about those who cannot manage themselves. Yes there are many who do take care of themselves wonderful beautiful people who are a asset to this world but there are SOME who did show seriuos signs of being disturbed and others just dropeed the ball. Then yse sometimes the law prevents families from getting the relative into tratment and it is hell on earth.

  11. We are talking about a person who cannot take care of themself. Yes there are many talented beautiful people who will never hurt but when there are clear sign and others drop the ball, this is why these young men suceeded, because someone did not get them into a hospital to address the deliousional, violent, disturbed behavior. It is that simple.


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