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Monday, January 07, 2013


Buried at the bottom of a New York Times piece might be the real reason to explain why New York's Journal News did something as sensationally stupid as publishing the names and addresses of over 30,000 legal gun owners living in two New York counties. In just five years, the Journal News' Monday through Friday circulation rate has plummeted almost 40%, "from 111,536 in September 2007 to 68,850 in September 2012."


  1. The immoral, unprofessional, fear and gossip mongering is company wide.

    I don't know the exact number of newspapers and other media outlets Gannet? owns but it seems every one I hear about is just trash. Tabloid fodder.

    With the internet, blogs and whatever other means available, they are killing the print media. Can radio and t.v. be that far behind?

    Simple rookie mistakes are the norm nowadays. Misspellings, grammar errors, facts that turn out to be not facts.

    Where is the professionalism? The maturity? The research? The TRUE facts?

    One outlet runs to market with a story, without checking to see if it is true.

    Several other outlets copy said story and we have a dozen outlets telling lies, untruths, and gossip.

    The blogs, once ridiculed as amateurish, unreliable, and just plain gibberish written to entertain has now well on it's way to surpass most media outlets.

    Just look at the local events for proof. Sbynews continues to spiral upward while yet another Gannet rag bites the dust, for all intents and purposes.

    And I say good.

    Their smug indifferent egos needed deflating. And boy has the hot air been stifling.

    Joe took a blog and beat it over the heads of local news media. He has a solid platform to spread news, events, and pretty much anything else he chooses.

    We all hope he can do the same to the city of Salisbury.

    If past experience is any indicator I am confident he will do just that.

  2. Hopefully, this will be the end of this commie "news organization".


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