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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gun Control Not As Locked And Loaded As White House Thinks

As the White House gears up to take its gun control plans on a public relations tour, at least one senator is out selling a different message: Don’t worry. The Second Amendment will stay intact.

“He has six Democrats up for election in two years in states where the president received fewer than 42 percent of the votes,” said Sen. John Barasso, Wyoming Republican, in a Politico report, running down the realities of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s political capital. “He doesn’t want his Democrats to have to choose between their own constituents and the president’s positions.”

In other words, Mr. Barasso said: No way would Mr. Reid bring a gun control bill to the floor for vote. That message does have some historical support.



  1. It will be done. Stop the madness that is our violent society. Save our children.

  2. 1:26
    You are a fool!

  3. "Stop the madness that is our violent society."

    Consider this your big opportunity, 1:26. Explain to everyone exactly how disarming only the law-abiding citizens will "stop the madness that is our violent society".

    Explain how criminals, who are not deterred by any other laws, will suddenly respect and obey gun laws.

    I could go on, but I'd love to know your thinking on those 2 points alone.


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