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Monday, January 21, 2013

Guide to the 57th Presidential Inauguration


-- The public swearing-in ceremony Monday will be held on the west front of the U.S. Capitol and is scheduled to run from 9 a.m. when VIPs start to arrive until shortly before 1 p.m. when President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, along with Vice President Biden and wife Jill Biden, leave for the congressional luncheon, and later the parade.

-- Local officials estimate 500,000 to 700,000 people will be on the National Mall to witness the ceremony, compared to 2009 when an estimate 1.8 million saw the country’s first black president take the presidential oath.

-- Obama will be sworn in by Chief Justice John G. Roberts on two Bibles: one from President Lincoln and the other from the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.



  1. A democrat muslim being sworn in on 2 republican owned christian bibles. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

  2. will this be a gun free zone?

  3. The coronation for the sheeple!

  4. Why do they keep calling him the first "black" president when he is actually bi-racial??? More smoke and mirrors. More blatantly lying by the press or just ignorance?

  5. A sad day for the country, with all the blatant crimes of his administration, apparently, 51% of the people put this monster back in power. They are about to reap what they have sown.

  6. they are saying now that only a forth of the numbers that were there in 2009 will be there today. this is really a day of mourning for many of us for many reasons and No it's not because he's black or whatever; it's because he's not who he says he is and his policies have and are contnuing to destroy this nation. the corruption is at the highest level i've ever seen. our freedoms are being taken as we speak and none of our leaders have the nerve to come against him in numbers. they're weak and lazy. we must continue to pray for all our leaders, even those we don't like, but we must also continue to be vigilant and not give up.

  7. It might just interest you 11:41 to know that the 500K to 700K is twice the attendance of George W Bush's 2nd inauguration and 300K over Bill Clinton's 2nd inauguration. Check the facts before you open your mouth and spew stupitity.

  8. A great day in America. Proud to be an American.

  9. Only the crude vulgar common obamas would have the equally as morally corrupted ghetto trash beyonce sing the National Anthem.
    Yep you can take obamas out of the ghetto but you can't take it out of them.
    When you put a person in such a high position as the President of the US they should show decorum and class but not these people. Raised like common ghetto trash and you will always be that. Their actions speak volumes at to the families they come from.


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