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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

George Zimmerman's Attorney Asks Judge For Trial Delay

George Zimmerman's defense attorney Mark O'Mara filed a motion in his second-degree murder case on Wednesday, asking a judge to delay his trial in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, currently set for June.

The basis for the new motion is a series of issues and delays in gathering evidence and conducting depositions, and the defense filing lays much of the blame for the delay at the state's feet. Among O'Mara's arguments:

•The state delayed substantially in providing the defense a quality, color photo of George Zimmerman's facial injuries taken at the shooting scene. Prosecutors initially provided a black-and-white photocopy in May, O'Mara says, then a color photocopy in August and finally a digital copy in October, but only after repeated requests and a judge's direction.



  1. He Will be found Guilty do you want to know why, well because we don't have another Rodney king situation or OJ situation and to Appease the African Americans NO white Spanish Asian will ever get a fair shake in this country again.

  2. George you shouldn't have shot Obamas imaginary son.

  3. If he had done his job as neighborhood watch and just called the police and not tried to play hero by following someone with a loaded gun none of this would have happened. Trayvon would be alive and George would be home with his family. It was a very bad judgement call on his part. Neighborhood watch people are not the police and should let the police handle the situations.

  4. ANd if Trayvon would have behaved himself he wouldn't have been suspended from school and he would have been at his fathers girl friends house. ANd if and if and if.

  5. And here again are the know-it-alls solving all our problems.

  6. No delay!! Get this trial over with so we can move on.

  7. Trayvon got what was coming to him, and that upsets the libtard racist anti constitution idiots out there.

  8. In Florida it is perfectly legal to carry a weapon. If someone was on top of me trying to beat the snot out of me I would have shot him too.


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