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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry Alleges 'The FBI Tried to Kill Me'

Marion Barry told U.S. News this week that he believes the FBI attempted to murder him on Jan. 18, 1990, when he was arrested for crack cocaine possession in a sting operation.

During his third term as mayor of Washington, D.C., Barry was videotaped smoking crack cocaine in a hotel room with ex-girlfriend Rasheeda Moore. Moore received the drug from an undercover police officer and was cooperating with the FBI.

"The FBI had a mind to entrap me, also the FBI tried to kill me by having some substance that wasn't proven to be crack," Barry told U.S. News in a phone interview.



  1. I'm sure if they tried, they would have succeeded.

  2. if at first you dont succeed..

  3. Hey Barry,YOU are incorrect.They would not tried. You are another disappointment to your race.

  4. I think the grand paranoia that fuels his media seeking attention is rearing it's head once again. Once again proof that he and DC is filled with incompetents like most other governments
    If they succeeded I wouldn't feel a lose

  5. I actually know one of the former police officers who was on Mayoral detail when Barry was in office. The stories I have heard.

  6. Does anyone think the FBI would fail if they tried?
    Marion Barry is the epitome of a really low life black Democrat politician just like Sharpton,King, Jackson, Obama et al. Their culture seems to think drugs, hypocrisy, philandering, corruption, coercion, back stabbing, racism and blackmale are all cool positive attributes.
    They are rock stars to their mob.

  7. The right hand of satan.

  8. his action have always been corrupt, deceptive, underhanded and more. he's shameless and his race is shameless for continuing to support him.

  9. Hey Crackhead, if the FBI tried they would have succeeded!


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