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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Diane Sawyer Weighs Stepping Down From ABC News

The groundbreaking newswoman is said to be 'seriously considering' retirement as early as this year.

Diane Sawyer, anchor of ABC World News and a respected veteran at the network with nearly 25 years under her belt, is considering retiring in 2013, a source close to Sawyer tells Confidential.

“She has discussed with a few close friends and some people at ABC that she is seriously considering retiring,” says our insider. “She said she’ll be ready to hang it up not long down the road. She loves work and what she does and has endless energy, but she’s overwhelmed with personal problems and she is thinking about leaving to take care of her family.”

In addition to a private matter, Sawyer is also helping her mother battle an illness, says our source.



  1. She be replaced with another bias lying liberal.

  2. 10:13 Check your facts, Sawyer is no liberal. She worked for Nixon both in the White House and after in California. She thought he walked on water.

  3. 11:00 if it talks like liberal,acts like a liberal, promotes liberal agendas ,its a stinking liberal.

  4. l0:13 Check your facts. Sawyer worked in the Nixon Administration under the then Press Secretary, Ron Zigler.

  5. 6:44 so what, that 41years ago she a liberal wackjob now get off the crack.

  6. Dianne Sawyer newswomen? Respected?


    Himmler would be more accurate


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