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Thursday, January 17, 2013


In light of all the wild conspiracy theories floating around the Internet about the Newtown shooting, the father of a Sandy Hook Elementary first grader called into Glenn Beck’s radio program on Wednesday to thoroughly debunk the theory that the shooting never actually happened. In a powerful interview, the father, “Pete,” recounted the horrific events of that morning and described how it felt not being able to immediately rescue his young son.

After killing his mother, a deranged shooter opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary, killing 20 children and six school staffers in December. For some reason, Newtown “truthers” have promoted the idea that the shooting was staged and it never really happened, an idea that the father said makes him want to throw up.

“It’s like an unimaginable way to even look at a tragedy or horrific event. I don’t even understand it,” Pete told Beck on the radio.



  1. It,s not that it didn't happen. But all the lies we were told.

  2. Please 548 take your meds...

  3. Exactly what lies are you talking about?

  4. Please 5:57 take your head out of obamas a$$. Or can't you think for yourself.

  5. First lie is every one was killed with the 223 rifle. Not so the 223 was found in the trunk of the car.

  6. Oh, God, does it really matter? Are the people not really dead because the lousy weapon was misidentified?

  7. search youtube for "the sandy hook shooting fully exposed" for a 30 minute stop-and-make-you-think video.
    decide for yourself.

  8. There were several issues that raise questions. I don't put anything past those pushing there globalist agenda. I encourage everyone to search "sandy hook exposed" on YouTube.
    30 minute video that may raise questions about the official story.

  9. Queens girl don't you find it convenient that we have an assault weapons ban, right after a school shooting that we were told was carried out with an assault rifle that was left in the car?

  10. Two weeks before Newtown happened I was told by a neighbor that she goes to church with a former state trooper. She stated that the state trooper told her that he has friends in positions of authority that advised him to look out for a "false flag" event that would give Obama everything he needs to ban so called "assault weapons". He said that the federal government is in fear of civil unrest due to a coming economic collapse. Two weeks later this happens? I'm not saying that Newtown was a planned assassination of children by our government to take our eyes off of whats going on and to enable the government to take weapons. I'm just saying that I was told that and afterward this happens? It's very strange.

  11. Queensgirl I would like it if you would just watch the vido and let us know what you think. Please right back.

  12. >>>Oh, God, does it really matter? Are the people not really dead because the lousy weapon was misidentified?<<<

    Well, aren't you in sympathy with the sanctimonious freaks blabbering about 'assault rifles'. It certainly seems to matter when you're trying to dictate to others what they can and can't have.

  13. Cathy some people just refuse to take there head our of the sand. Won't take 30min just to look, and learn. Queensgirl likes to run on emotions not facts.

  14. very interesting video. Big question being was there more than one shooter. Also... was an assault gun used (NO) it was found in the trunk. If this case isnt still under review it better be,

  15. There is nothing to learn by watching this video except that some people are paranoid freaks who probably shouldn't have weapons.

  16. Lanza's AR-15 never left the trunk of his Honda. BAN ALL ASSAULT RIFLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  17. 7:46 you never even watched the video. You liberals are funny lie lie lie.

  18. I watched the video... Much like 9/11 truthers... People are accepting (from the video) that the AR-15 was found in the trunk. From the news, the shotgun was found in the car. So which is it? If you have an open mind then watch on youtube, "sandyhook exposed debunked". I agree govt is using tragedy for gun control, but do not believ the govt planned any killings. The exposed video just leads to several non-sequitor points and with no follow up. A cover up on this scale would have to many loose ends. Come on people.. This country loves conspiracies, 9/11, JFK, moon landing, Roswell etc etc..

  19. 10:54, I'm 7:46 and no, I didn't watch the video and did not claim I had in my comment. My point was that there is no point wasting time on this offensive garbage. I don't read books written by Holocaust deniers either.

  20. I know you watch cnn and read the daily times. So you know it all. Belive what you want, the goverment will take care of you and would never lie.

  21. 11:41 I know it's hard to fathom certain rogue elements of our government would do anything to harm people they care sooo much about. The official stories in the majority of your examples of "conspiracies" have gaping holes. Lets just start with 9/11. Please watch "loose change" with an open mind and pray for our country that the truth will come out in all gray areas. I know it's hard to stomach but how can steel that melts at 2500 degrees Fahrenheit suddenly melt in jet fuel that burns at 1500 degrees Fahrenheit ? Wake up people the truth may scare you, but denying it will enslave us all


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