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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Court: Md. Veteran Can’t Get Gun After Old Conviction

A federal appeals court says a Maryland veteran can’t own a gun because of a misdemeanor assault conviction more than four decades ago.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on Friday turned away an appeal from 68-year-old Navy veteran Jefferson Wayne Schrader, who sued after failing a 2008 background check.

Schrader was convicted of misdemeanor assault and battery and fined $100 after a fistfight in Annapolis, Md., in 1968.



  1. Just more bs ways to disarm the people.

  2. The law is the law.

  3. The law is the law.

    January 12, 2013 5:36 PM

    Unjust laws are laws too under they are overturned.

    If no one questions the laws and the leaders, we are destined to become sheep and slaves.

    I choose not to be either.

    Laws are made by mob rule. Any individual that stands up against any unjust law, illegal order, etc, is automatically labeled a criminal.

    I'll be your criminal. But I will be a free criminal and let anyone put chains on me.

    So you 'law lovers' are put on notice.

    There are still free men in this country. And we would rather die than give any man dominion over us.

  4. Hey 5:36 pm
    The state of Md goes back to 1978 when doing a criminal background check. Anything prior to that is handled by the FBI.
    It is obvious that the Feds. have stepped in on gun control , the very same thing happened to me this week.
    I also was involved in a assault charge in 1969 , was never put in jail and didn't think I had this on my record. "wrong"
    After having a few background checks for the purchase of firearms and employment on a police force you would think they would have informed me of this charge.
    I served in the military as an infantry soldier reconn with a secret clearance escorting insurgents across the DMZ.
    Good ole federal government has taken us completely over.
    I will meet with Joe if he wants a full story on this.

  5. I hope he was kicking some liberals ass.

    I guess Adam, Hoss, Little Joe and Pa would not be able to own a gun either. Whatever...

  6. 11:36 AM

    They can own one. If the sheriff comes to take them, they just have to shoot the sheriff. Problem solved.


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