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Friday, January 04, 2013

County Ignores Travel Freeze For Vegas Convention

SNOW HILL -- Hoping to attract new business to Worcester County, Economic Development Director Bill Badger will be heading to Las Vegas to attend the International Council for Shopping Centers (ICSC), Global Retail Real Estate Convention (RECON) this spring.

While the event should offer opportunities to promote Worcester to new retail, according to Badger, County Commissioner Jim Bunting voted against the excursion after noting Worcester still has a freeze on out-of-state travel due to the recession.

“This is an event where everyone involved in the development community attends,” Badger said Wednesday. “It’s a world-wide event.”



  1. What about the $10,000 trip the commissioners & county staff just took to New York City during the height of the holiday seasin -- when everything is more expensive there. Sounds like it was a nice vacation under the guise of a bond sale. Like that couldn't be done at another time! $95 per seat tickets to the Rockettes. $400 per night stays at the Mariott on Times Square. 4 star dinner. & taking the spouses along to freeload too!

  2. Hey, look, this is a Vegas trip for BUSINESS PURPOSES ONLY! They will stay in small, cheap hotels on the outskirts of town, eat at Wendy's and Chick-fil-a, and only stay the nights before and after the meeting.


  3. 9:59-Many of us were unaware of this. This is SURREAL. That money could've been spent on a worthier cause, such as Diakonia or to help the overwhelming amount of poor people in Worcester County where most of its residents are either rich or poor with the middle-class rapidly becoming a dying breed.

    Bud Church and his Good Ol' Boys make their own rules, as they have done for years & YEARS. Church has been commissioner long enough and needs to retire in Florida so he can be replaced by someone who is selfless and cares about its citizens. All Good Ol' Bud cares about are his selfish needs & pleasures.

  4. Sounds like these people have been taking lessons from Wicomico County

  5. Ol' Bud's planning a run for the new Delegate seat in north Worcester. More money to waste at the state level.


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